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The Jewish Calendar | Jewish Virtual LibraryLearn about the Jewish calendar, its background and history, the numbering of
Jewish years, the months of the Jewish year and the days of the Jewish week.
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Jewish Calendar

Jewish Calendar

Jewish Calendar
The Antipas Foundation and Faithful Witness Ministries - Proclaiming the Gospel of the Resurrection of Christ Jesus and Announcing His Soon Return. Inspiration And Information For A Biblically

The Antipas Foundation and Faithful Witness Ministries - Proclaiming the Gospel of the Resurrection of Christ Jesus and Announcing His Soon Return.
Inspiration And Information For A Biblically Oriented, Christian World-View


--- A Hebrew Year of 12 months - 354 days ---
From September 25, 2014 ---Through--- September 13, 2015

This is the BIBLICAL ecclesiastical calendar, displaying days/dates which are according to the Word of God.
This is NOT today's Orthodox Jewish ecclesiastical calendar, which deviates from their OWN Holy Scriptures (Torah, Tanakh).
Click Here - See NOTE - At the bottom of this Web page for a more thorough explanation.

HIGH HOLY DAYS are shown with a White Font on a Black Background

Other Major FEAST / FESTIVAL DAYS are shown with a Black Font on a Gray Background

Click Here - For more information about the High Holy Days and the other major Feasts / Festivals
Click Here - See Next Year's Hebrew Calendar
Click Here - See Last Year's Hebrew Calendar
A New Calendar Day Begins At Sundown

#7 - Tishri 5775

Every Friday, at sunset (dusk), is the beginning of the Saturday Sabbath - the observance of SHABBAT.

Every New Waxing Moon - beginning each Hebrew month - is the observance of ROSH CHODESH.


Click Here - See Next Year's Hebrew Calendar
Click Here - See Last Year's Hebrew Calendar

More Information About.

There are many other minor Jewish celebrations and
less significant observances of the Hebrews

Some of them are.

THE DAYS OF AWE - (Yamim Noraim) or the Days of Repentance - Thursday, 1 Tishri 5775 -thru- Saturday, 10 Tishri 5775;
from sundown Wednesday, Sep. 24, -thru- sundown Saturday, Oct. 4, 2013.

The FAST OF GEDALLIAH - Saturday, 3 Tishri 5775; which begins at sundown on Friday, September 26, 2013.

ASARAH B'TEVET - Thursday, 10 Tevet 5775; which begins at sundown on Wednesday, December 31, 2013.

TU B'SHVAT - Wednesday, 15 Shevat 5775; which begins at sundown on Tuesday, February 3, 2015.

The FAST OF ESTHER - Wednesday, 13 Adar 5775; which begins at sundown on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.

SHUSHAN PURIM - Friday, 15 Adar 5775; which begins at sundown on Thursday, March 5, 2015.

COUNTING THE OMER - Sunday, 16 Nisan -thru- Saturday, 5 Sivan 5775;
from sundown Saturday, April 4, -thru- sundown Saturday, May 23, 2015.

PLEASE NOTE. These are the BIBLICAL days & dates, these are NOT today's Orthodox Jewish days & dates which deviate from their OWN Holy Scriptures (Torah, Tanakh).

CLICK HERE - See NOTE - At the bottom of this Web page for a more thorough explanation.

YOM HA SHOAH - Thursday, 27 Nisan 5775; which begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 15, 2015.

YOM HA ZIKARON - Thursday, 4 Iyar 5775; which begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 22, 2015.

YOM HA AZMAUT - Friday, 5 Iyar 5775; which begins at sundown on Thursday, April 23, 2015.

LAG B'OMER - Monday, 22 Iyar 5775; which begins at sundown on Sunday, May 10, 2015.

YOM YERSHALAYIM - Sunday, 28 Iyar 5775; which begins at sundown on Saturday, May 16, 2015.

The FAST OF SHIVA - Saturday, 17 Tammuz 5775; which begins at sundown on Friday, July 3, 2015.

THE THREE WEEKS - Saturday, 17 Tammuz -thru- Saturday, 9 Av 5775;
from sundown Friday, July 3, -thru- sundown Friday, July 24, 2015.

Click Here - For more information about the High Holy Days and the other major Feasts / Festivals

Click Here - For information about why the Hebrew's calendar needs periodic adjustment

Click Here - See Next Year's Hebrew Calendar

Click Here - See Last Year's Hebrew Calendar

More Information About.

Click Here - View The Hebrew Calendar For Jewish Year 3758
The Year Of Christ Jesus' Birth (BCE 4 - BCE 3)

Click Here - View The Hebrew Calendar For Jewish Year 3757
The Year Of Christ Jesus' Conception (BCE 5 - BCE 4)

Click Here - View A Chart Of Easter, Passover and Pentecost Dates
For Years 2000 -thru- 2050

Click Here - Why Hebrews Refuse To Believe-In Christ Jesus

Click Here - View A Chart Of The Names Of Hebrew Months

Click Here - View A Chart Explaining Hebrew Leap Years

Click Here - View a Chart of the Numerical Values in the Hebrew Alphabet

In 2015, the BIBLICAL Pesach (The Passover) begins at sundown (dusk) on Thursday, April 2,
(14 Nisan - The Beginning Of A HEBREW'S! Friday)
but today's Hebrews celebrate The Passover on Saturday, April 4 (15 Nisan) - A Day Late.
While, in 2015, the BIBLICAL Firstfruits begins at sundown (dusk) on Saturday, April 4,
(16 Nisan - The Beginning Of A HEBREW'S! Sunday)
and today's Hebrews also celebrate Firstfruits on Sunday, April 5 (16 Nisan), on The Biblically correct Sunday.
--- A truly RARE occurrence, indeed! ---
The most recent former years when the Hebrews celebration of Firstfruits fell on Sunday was 2012 and 1998.
So, from 1999 -thru- 2011, and in 2013-2014, today's Hebrews had been celebrating Firstfruits on the WRONG day & date.
And, in 2015, the BIBLICAL Shavu'ot (Pentecost) begins at sundown (dusk) on Saturday, May 23,
(6 Sivan - The Beginning Of A HEBREW'S! Sunday)
and today's Hebrews also celebrate Shavu'ot on Sunday, May 24 (6 Sivan), on The Biblically correct Sunday.
--- A truly RARE occurrence, indeed! ---
The most recent former years when the Hebrews celebration of Shavu'ot (Pentecost) fell on Sunday was 2012 and 1998.
So, from 1999 -thru- 2011, and in 2013-2014, today's Hebrews had been celebrating Shavu'ot (Pentecost)
on the WRONG day & date.

There have been marked and tremendous departures from God's scriptural commands,
for the Holy Days and dates kept and observed by Hebrews today are different
from those Biblical days and dates established before and during the Exodus.

Moses would never tolerate today's Orthodox Jewish ecclesiastical calendar due to its eccentricities, its many egregious departures and deviations from God's original commands recorded in Torah.

The one [ 1 ] single day of The Passover (Pesach ) is on 14 Nisan, Exodus 12:6 ; while the first annual "Pilgrimage " Sabbath is on 15 Nisan - and is called "The Feast Of Unleavened Bread" (Chag haMatzoh). The 7-day-long Feast Of Unleavened Bread begins on the day AFTER The Passover, they are separate and distinct days, just as they occur on different dates.

Under direction of the Orthodox Jews, modern-day "cultural" Hebrews insist on merging the one [ 1 ] singular day of The Passover (Pesach ) into the 7-day-long Feast of Unleavened Bread (Chag ha Matzoh). And, also under the direction of Orthodox Jews, today's Hebrews insist that The Passover is to be celebrated on the 15th day of Nisan, on the first-day-Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

The timing of the current Passover practice (15th day) is simply ridiculous. Because of this current Passover practice, it is strongly suspected that there are far more theological bozos and religiously-oriented buffoons in the world, today, than originally suspected. The teachings and beliefs derived from the Hebrew's Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds (Rabbinical commentaries) are part & parcel of this childish "Religious" foolishness practiced by Orthodox Jews today.

There is no way for today's "cultural" Hebrews to get around the fact that Orthodox Jews completely reject the specific requirement of observing The Passover on the beginning of the 14th day. Having been ordained by the God of Abraham, The Passover is commanded to be kept, faithfully, on the 14th day by all who CLAIM to be believers in the God of Abraham.

So, there is no excuse today for confusing the 14th day Passover Feast with the 15th day Unleavened Bread Feast. There is no GOOD Biblical reason for holding a Passover Seder, or any part of a Passover celebration, on the 15th day of Nisan.

The example of moving The Passover to the 15th day of Nisan, along with the example of today's Jewish tradition / custom of inventing extra (added) Sabbaths, gives cause to suspect that modern Hebrew religious authorities, the Orthodox Jews, have never even read their OWN Holy Scriptures because they give undue precedence to Rabbinical commentaries (Talmud. et. al.) while ignoring the "LAW " (Torah) and their Holy Scriptures (Tanakh).

Among scripturally astute individuals, much amusement is derived from noting the differences between the beliefs and practices (the customs and traditions) of modern-day "cultural" Hebrews as opposed to what The God Of Abraham has revealed to them in the Holy Scriptures.

The Hebrews possess the "Oracles Of God", yet the Hebrews cannot make any sense out of them at all.

For even if Hebrews actually DO read their own Holy Scriptures,
it is obvious that they do not understand what they are reading.
About which, SEE: Second Corinthians 3:14-16

By moving The Passover to the 15th day of Nisan, the Orthodox Jews have placed The Passover on an Annual High Sabbath Day (A High Holy Day), on one of the God-ordained "Pilgrimage" Sabbath Days.

BUT : God did not originally make The Passover a Sabbath day, and even the Christian Bible's New Testament declares that The Passover is a "Preparation" day, the day BEFORE an Annual High Sabbath Day. (See: John 19:31 - And, see also: Matt. 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54; John 19:42)

Because The Passover has been erroneously relocated to the 15th day of Nisan, modern "cultural" Hebrews follow the dictates of Orthodox Jews (today's Pharisees ) and treat The Passover AS IF it were a Sabbath, but The Passover is NOT a Sabbath day - The Passover never was a Sabbath day.

Apparently, Orthodox Jews labor under the delusion that mere men are authorized to move The Passover to a Sabbath day where The Passover had never originally existed, to a new day/date which God had NOT specified and which Moses would never have accepted.

WHO are YOU going to believe? God, MAYBE?

Go to: What Are The Hebrew's High Holy Days? The "PILGRIMAGE" Sabbaths? (The Annual High Sabbaths?)
Click Here - All of the HEBREW / JEWISH HIGH HOLY DAYS

Or, start with the first Hebrew Holy Day in their first month: The Passover

More Information About.

Click Here - Jewish Virtual Library - Main Library Index Page
The Jewish Virtual Library's purpose is to provide information about all facets of Jewish life:
Judaism, Jewish holidays, Israel and Jerusalem, Jews in the Diaspora, History of anti-Semitism,
The rise of Zionism and Zionist thought, Biographies of prominent Zionists, The Holocaust, Israel's Wars.
Plus: "Who is a Jew?"

Click Here - What Do Jews Believe? - The Thirteen Principles Of Faith
Rambam's principles of faith, which he thought were the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.

Click Here - The Sacred Texts of Judaism - The Internet Sacred Texts Archive
Tanakh (In Hebrew script and transliterated text) - Talmud and Mishna - Haggada - Midrash
Other texts from late Antiquity and Middle Ages - Kabbalah - Modern texts.

Click Here - Judaism 101 - Jewish Education And Hebraic Study Resources.

Click Here - Akhlah - The Jewish Children's Learning Network.

Click Here - Hebrew Interlinear Holy Scriptures - Tanakh
Hebrew / English Interlinear Old Testament - Tanakh - The "Law" - Prophets - Poetry - History.
Hebrew Script with English text - In PDF Format.

Click Here - The Guide for the Perplexed
By Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, better known as Moses Maimonides or "the Rambam".
Translated by M. Friedl�nder [1903] - In HTML Format.

Click Here - The Orthodox Union - Kashrut
Glatt Kosher Hebrew Authority - Kosher Certification.
Everything you need to know about Jewish Orthodoxy.
MORE! than you ever wanted to know about Jewish Orthodoxy.
Oy! Such an in-depth Online resource that the term "In-Depth" is an understatement.

Click Here - Moshiach: The Messiah - The Messianic Idea In Judaism
Belief in the eventual coming of the Moshiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism.
It is part of Rambam's "13 Principles of Faith," the minimum requirements of Jewish belief.

Jewish Liturgy
Sabbath prayers can be found in The Transliterated Siddur. a complete Shabbat liturgy
available online in English and transliterated Hebrew

An online audio resource for learning to chant the Hebrew liturgy of the Siddur - Jewish prayer book - learn to chant the Shabbat services, prepare for your Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah or brush-up on your davening skills.

The liturgical audio tracks are consistent with the text found in traditional Siddurim.

Friday Night - Erev Shabbat Service
Saturday - Shabbat Morning Service
Miscellaneous Home Prayers, including:
• Shabbat Z'mirot - Songs sung around the Sabbath table
• Torah Blessings - When honored with a Torah Aliyah
• Passover Seder - Selections from Pesach Haggadah
• Hanukkah Blessings - Chanukah Candle Lighting
• Weekday Minyan - Learn the daily davening
• Weekday Mincha - Afternoon Service
• Weekday Ma'ariv - Evening Service
• Hallel - Festivals and Rosh Chodesh
• An'im Z'mirot - Shir haKavod

Click Here - For Siddur Audio in Hebrew

More Information About.
Jewish Calendar

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