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EDocEngine VCL 5Create documents, spreadsheets and images, and expo...

TIFF PDF Cleaner

TIFF PDF Cleaner
Generate documents in PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, XLS (Microsoft Excel), Quattro Pro�, Lotus 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, text, CSV, TIFF, PNG, SVG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF. Use report export interfaces with FastReport, QuickReport, ReportBuilder, and other Delphi reporting tools.

eDocEngine VCL 5
Create documents, spreadsheets and images, and export reports in 20 formats


eDocEngine VCL is a comprehensive e-document creation component suite for Delphi™ and C++Builder®. eDocEngine can create documents in clipboard, PDF, RTF, HTML, XHTML, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, Quattro Pro, LOTUS 1-2-3, DIF, SYLK, TIFF, PNG, SVG (XML-based vector graphics), JPEG, GIF, BMP, EMF and WMF formats. eDocEngine ships with ready-to-use Report-Export interfaces that tightly integrate with popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport, Rave, QuickReport, and ACE Reporter. Using eDocEngine Report-Export interfaces, you can directly export reports to PDF and other formats without having to write any code.

For complete peace of mind and unmatched value for money, do consider our "all-VCL-products-included" XtremeDevSystem Delphi Subscription. You get 12 months free major and minor updates and priority e-mail support.


Professional with source


  • Generate documents in 20 formats - text, spreadsheet (including XLSX), raster image, vector image, and clipboard
  • Add additional output format support for popular Delphi reporting tools such as ReportBuilder, FastReport and Rave
  • Render content with format-specific enhancements such as annotations, form fields and bookmarks in PDF, and worksheets in Excel
  • Specify custom margins, headers, footers, and run-time text placeholders
  • Render text, images, shapes, tables and watermarks
  • Render Unicode content on Excel, PDF, RTF, XHTML & HTML - write non-Latin languages (Russian, Japanese, Thai, Hindi…); render text in all bidirectional text modes for right-to-left languages (Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew); automatically subset embed appropriate fonts (only in PDF)
  • Implement server-side automated document generation
  • Perform canvas and metafile operations on output document

Gnostice PDF-Processing & Document-Creation Technologies

Our Presentation From CodeRage 5

Create Excel spreadsheets with ease

Also export to Excel from popular Delphi reporting tools.

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Buy Now

Every Delphi/C++Builder product purchased from Gnostice is backed* by:

  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Clear, straightforward, and hassle-free licensing
  • Perpetual use license
  • Unlimited royalty-free commercial distribution of end-user products
  • Free major and minor updates for 12 months
  • Free e-mail support for 12 months
  • Subscription renewal only when required
    • 60% discount off prevailing price if renewal is made within 1 year of expiry of the subscription - new subscription will begin from the day of expiry of the previous subscription.
    • 40% discount off prevailing price if renewal is made after 1 year but within 3 years of expiry of the subscription - new subscription will begin from the day of purchase of the new subscription.
    • 15% discount off prevailing price if renewal is made after 3 years of expiry of the subscription - new subscription will begin from the day of purchase of the new subscription.
  • Upgrade to a higher edition of the same product by paying only the difference (if the upgrade is made within 1 year of expiry of the subscription)

* - Effective from September 9, 2015.

All prices are exclusive of VAT. VAT is only applicable for EU customers as per EU laws. The tax rate will be automatically applied based on rules of the relevant EU country.

New Licenses

New customers. Please find appropriate buy links to our share-it! online store in the tables below.
Existing customers. To obtain upgrade/renewal discounts, please send a mail to [email protected] with details of your last purchase of the product.

eDocEngine VCL Subscription

1-developer subscription WITH SOURCE

5-developer subscription WITH SOURCE

10-developer subscription WITH SOURCE

With the purchase of a developer subscription (for eDocEngine VCL ), 12 months free updates and upgrades, and 12 months free priority e-mail support.

XtremeDevSystem Delphi Subscription


Version - April 13, 2015

  • Enhanced
    • Support for RAD Studio XE8.
  • Fixed
    • Excel Engine: All reported memory leaks so far in document-creation and report-export.

Version - April 1, 2015

  • Enhanced
    • Final planned enhancements to export interface installer for reliable installation of export interfaces under all conditions.
    • Export interface installer with support for newer IDEs and report tool versions without requiring any change/recompilation of the installer.
  • Fixed
    • Metafile Processor: Some metafiles with hatching patterns not rendered properly.
    • Excel Engine: Invalid pointer operation exception encountered when exporting some reports.

Version - February 03, 2015

  • Enhanced
    • New export interface package design and installation mechanism for reliable installation.
    • New TextOut() overloaded method to support word-wrapping.
  • Fixed
    • Setting CancelEMail to true in onEmail event has no effect.
    • Access violations encountered when converting some EMFs in 64-bit environment.
    • RTF & HTML Engines: "https" URLs are ignored by TgtCustomPlainSheetEngine.ActiveHyperLinks property.
    • PDF Engine: Ambiguity between Windows::TRect and VCL::TRect prevents compilation in C++Builder.
    • Excel Engine: Some memory leaks encountered during document-creation and report-export.

Version - October 03, 2014

Version - September 17, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • Support for Delphi XE7 (We are working on some issues with C++Builder support).
    • PDF Engine - Introduced Opacity property under TextEffects, ImageSettings and (new) LineArtSettings properties. This enables rendering of text, images, shapes, watermarks, stampings and any content at different transparency levels.
  • Fixed
    • PDF - Inversion of brackets (), [], <> when rendering right-to-left language text such as Arabic or Hebrew.
    • PDF - Improper exporting of "closed" figures when exporting some report inputs.
    • PDF - Improper rendering of some QR code vector images.
    • PDF - "Stream read error" occurs when subset embedding mode is chosen for some fonts.
    • RTF - '\' character incorrectly rendered as '\\' when DocumentEncodingType is set to etEaseOfEditing .

Version - August 12. 2014

  • Fixed
    • PDF Engine: Access violation when EndDoc() method is invoked in C++Builder XE2 and later versions.
    • Excel Engine: "Multiple declarations for "[function]" error for some files - affecting all versions of C++Builder.
    • Excel Engine: Unicode characters in worksheet names results in corrupted output.
    • XLS Engine: "Floating-point overflow" exception occurs when exporting some reports if Preferences.AutoFormatCells is True .
    • FastReport Export: "Floating-point division-by-zero" exception if Preferences.ScaleDownLargeImages is True and image size is zero.

Version - July 7, 2014

Version - June 16, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • All Engines: Support for JEDI GIF library.
    • Excel Engine: Huge improvements in XLSX-creation speeds.
  • Fixed
    • PDF Engine: Setting password results in corrupted documents - affects builds after
    • FastReport Export: Design-time access violation when trying to export report from preview window - affects builds after
    • RTF Engine: Some Unicode characters are not rendered if TgtRTFEngine.DocumentEncodingType is set to TgtRTFEncodingType.etEaseOfEditing .

Version - April 21, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • General
      • Added support for RAD Studio XE6.
    • Report-Export
      • Fast Report: Added new image scaling properties to specify export preferences such as ScaleDownLargeImages and ScaleDownToDPI .
  • Fixed
    • Report-Export
      • "Integer Overflow" exception occurs sometimes when exporting images.
      • Image de-duplication fails on rare occasions (with UseImageAsResource property).
      • Rave Reports: Text position gets changed when accuracy method is set to amPositioning .

Version - March 31, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • Report-Export
      • ScaleRichView: New property RenderingOptions exposes TScaleRichView's rendering options such as visibility of page number, clipping of margins, etc.
  • Fixed
    • General
      • Issues related to 64-bit support in C++Builder.
    • Document Creation
      • All: Memory leak in DrawJPEGDirect methods.
      • PDF: Memory leak when property TgtPreferences.UseImagesAsResources is set to true.
      • PDF: Background image gets misplaced when image size is greater than the page size.
      • Excel: Sometimes, while printing the generated document, each cell takes a separate page.
      • Excel: Generated documents fail to open in iPhone and BlackBerry devices.
    • Report-Export
      • FastReport Export: Design-time access violation when setting Engine property in RAD Studio 2010.

Version - February 28, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • General
      • Added Indy adapter packages for older versions of Delphi (6 through XE).
      • Reviewed and updated support for C++Builder 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4 and XE5.
    • Report-Export
      • Added Support for QuickReport 5.05 and 5.06.

Version - January 10, 2014

  • Enhanced
    • Added support for RAD XE5 Update 2.
    • Added new engine component TgtXLSEngine for generating spreadsheets in XLS (Excel 95-2003) format.
    • Enhanced Export Interface Installer application - fault tolerance and other improvements.
  • Fixed
    • Excel Engine
      • File corruption when exporting reports with negative currency values and if Preferences.AutoFormatCells is set to true.
      • Range-check error when exporting some reports to Excel.
      • "Floating point division by zero" exception if Preferences.NumberFormatDecimalPlaces is more than 0.
  • PDF Engine
    • "Floating point division by zero" exception affecting C++Builder (XE2 and above).

Version - October 7, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • Added support for RAD Studio XE5
  • Fixed
    • GDI+ code causes access violation (when compiled to a DLL and used in an end-user application)
    • PDF Engine: Access violation encountered when creating PDF in a 64-bit application
    • ReportBuilder Export: Font size of text in memo fields reduced by 1
    • Rave Export: PDF corrupted when exporting reports with rectangle components
    • AceReporter Export: Rectangle borders get stretched

Version - August 23, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • New re-engineered Export Interface Installer with support for adding new IDEs and report engine versions through DB (without having to recompile installer application). It is also more fault tolerant of misplaced files by reporting engine installers. Users can modify DB using a customization application (gtExpIntfDB.exe).
  • Fixed
    • PDF Engine: Corrupt file is generated because of improper encoding of some TrueType fonts.
    • Excel Engine: Access violation occurs sometimes when exporting reports with images if Preferences.ProcessAfterEachPage is set to true
    • Text Engine: Random characters are generated before right-aligned text elements in exported reports.
    • PDF Engine: Corrupt PDF is generated when converting some EMF files
    • PDF Engine: Access violation is encountered sometimes with DrawJPEGDirect method.
    • Excel Engine: Empty file is created when exporting report to a stream.
    • TScaleRichView Interface: Images get stretched when exporting RTF/RVF files with landscape orientation.

Version - May 3, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • General
      • Added support for RAD Studio XE4.
      • Added support for FastReport 4 for Delphi/C++Builder XE4.
  • Fixed
    • Report Export
      • Text engine: Text position is displaced with some reports.
      • Text engine: Right-aligned text is omitted with some reports.

Version - April 26, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • Output from HTML and XHTML engines is now fully compliant with W3C specifications.
    • Added support for RaveReport 11 for Delphi/C++ Builder XE3.
  • Fixed
    • Excel: File corruption due to special characters such as <, >, &, " and ' in input string.
    • PDF: Can't change JPEG size exception.
    • PDF: Auto detection of URLs in text to encode as hyperlinks missing out links that contained "https", ";" (semicolons) and ":" (colons).
    • PDF: Displacement of borders when exporting reports.
    • Excel: Memory leak in some cases with exporting reports.
    • Excel: Broken support for filling an individual cell with color.
    • Excel: File gets corrupted when number of rows exceeds 65536.

Version - March 15, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • Excel engine: Added Unicode support for RAD Studio 2007 and older versions
    • Excel engine: Added new property NumberFormatDecimalPlaces to specify decimal places for numbers.
    • Excel engine: Added option for specifying alignment in Setup dialog.
  • Fixed
    • Excel engine: File corruption in locales where decimal separator is comma (,)
    • Excel engine: File corruption due to complex formatting of data in exported reports
    • Excel engine: Numbers with zero (0) as value do not get encoded when AutoFormatCells is set to true
    • PDF engine: Images get displaced when DPI is changed from default (96)
    • PDF Engine: Localization issues in setup dialog
    • Memory leaks in report-export to PDF
    • Incompatibility of Setup dialog in Delphi 6 and Delphi 7
    • Text gets clipped at high resolutions in report-export to PDF

Version 4 - February 1, 2013

  • Enhanced
    • New Excel engine for generating spreadsheets in XLSX format
    • Support for on-the-fly digital signing in PDF engine
    • Fast automatic image de-duplication in PDF, HTML, XHTML and Excel document-creation engines
    • Email adapter technology to integrate with any email/Internet components
    • Improved accuracy of columniation of text when exporting tabular reports to Excel
    • Unicode support for Excel output
    • Support for long strings greater than 256 characters in Excel output
    • Support for generating Excel output with more than 65K rows
  • Fixed
    • Displacement of text in tables rendered by PDF Engine
    • Access violation in Export interface installer

Version - December 4, 2012

  • Enhanced
    • Added Export Interface installer support for Delphi XE3
  • Resolved
    • Document properties get corrupted if PDF document is encrypted

Version - September 27, 2012

  • Introduced
    • Support for RAD Studio XE3
    • Support for Report Builder 14 in all compatible IDEs
  • Fixed
    • Text engine: Right-aligned numbers (from source document) are not properly aligned.
    • PDF engine: Character overlap in text rendered by TextBox method - when the text contains newline character and certain non-alphanumeric characters such as the Euro (€) symbol
    • When compiled to a DLL, GDI code causes end-user application to hang

Version - April 19, 2012

  • Fixed
    • RoundRect method does not draw border when pen width is set to zero
    • DrawRichText method unnecessarily adds a new page sometimes
    • Image issues in ReportBuilder-to-RTF export
    • Images are missing in DevExpress Printing System-to-PDF export
    • Header and footer are missing in TScaleRichView-to-PDF export
    • Some images are stretched in Quickreport-to-PDF export
    • Some text characters are filled in metafile-to-PDF conversions
    • Adobe Reader error reported with some EMF-to-PDF conversions

Version - January 18, 2012

  • Enhanced
    • Support for ScaleRichView version v4.3.4 and later versions in Delphi 2009/2010/XE/XE2
    • Support for RAD Studio XE2 Update 3
    • Support for Report Builder 14 in Delphi 2010 and later versions
  • Fixed
    • PDF text display issues encountered when DPI is greater than 96

Version - October 7, 2011

  • Enhanced
    • Support for RAD Studio XE2
    • Installation support for Rave Reports interface component in RAD Studio XE2
  • Fixed
    • Shapes are rendered even after removing it from ItemsToRender property
    • Text color is not rendered correctly when exporting metafile-based reports
    • Annotations are not added when ActiveHyperLinks property is set to False
    • Some fonts (bullet points) are not rendered properly with subset font embedding
    • "Floating point division by zero" exception is raised with subset font embedding
    • Content is clipped when InputXRes or InputYRes is greater than 96

Version - March 18, 2011

  • Fixed
    • "Illegal operation 'q' in the text object" error with Adobe Reader v7
    • "Invalid floating point operation" exception while creating a PDF
    • Recompiler utility not including references to Indy packages (for EmailWithIndy option)
    • Incorrect PageSize settings when exporting a QuickReport file

Version - February 21, 2011

  • Enhanced
    • TIFF engine rewritten to support
      • CCITT3, CCITT4 and RLE compression methods
      • Viewing with Windows Picture and Fax viewer
  • Fixed
    • Memory leaks with PDFEngine when creating PDF forms
    • Column overwriting issue with Excel engine
    • Barcode image rendering issue with QuickReport export
    • Background color rendering issue

Version - December 17, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • New help documentation with F1-key integration
  • Fixed
    • Memory leaks when exporting ReportBuilder reports with TeeChart component.
    • Incorrect text-spacing with text containing some punctuation marks.
    • Exception raised by EncodeTextPart method when input string contained '%' character and angle of rotation was not between 0 and 360.
    • Export Interface Installer unaware of "DXVCL" environment variable set by Developer Express components.
    • THtmlViewer package not included by Export Interface Installer.

Version - December 1, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • Introduced a new property ApplyEmfCharSpacing under TgtPDFEngine.Preferences to toggle character spacing while rendering metafiles to PDF
  • Fixed
    • Background color not rendered properly with some metafiles
    • Line-spacing issue when converting QuickReport files to PDF
    • Diacritic characters not rendered properly in RTF
    • Character-spacing issue when converting FastReport files to RTF
    • Installation problems with export interfaces for TMSGrid and DevExpress components
    • Character-spacing issues in RTL text
    • Character-spacing issues in composite glyphs such as those used with Hindi or Thai (diacritic characters)

Version - October 29, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • Support for automatic substitution of digits in Latin script to Arabic script in Arabic locale
  • Fixed
    • Transparency issue when exporting to PDF from DevExpress Printing System
    • Text overlapping issue when using strings with both right-to-left and left-to-right "bidi" modes
    • "Index out of bounds" error when text elements are excluded in the "ItemToRender" property

Version - September 6, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • Support for RAD Studio XE
    • Reorganized shared sources and packages for cleaner installation and compatibility with PDFtoolkit
    • Updates to Export Interface Installer for smoother installation of export interface components.

Version 3.0.1 (Build 173) - August 25, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • Export Interface Installer now generates its log file in the "My Documents\Gnostice\eDocEngine" folder to avoid "write" permission issues in Vista/Windows 7
    • v2-to-v3 Converter application will ignore already converted units in "Uses" clause
    • Ready for RAD Studio XE
  • Fixed
    • Character width problems with FixedPitch fonts - with and without font embedding
    • Exception in class EOleSysError with message "CoInitialize has not been called" when PDFEngine was executed in a thread.
    • Some text in non-Latin languages incorrectly detected as ANSI string
    • Incorrect handling of diacritic characters
    • Range check error with PDF Engine when encoding text
    • Arial Unicode MS incorrectly replaced with Arial
    • File extension added to output file name more than once
    • Transparency issues with Richtext elements and images
    • Export Interface Installer support for all reporting tools in C++Builder 2010/2009/2007/2006
    • Export Interface Installer support for Rave Reports in C++Builder 6

Version 3 - July 16, 2010

  • Enhanced
    • Full Unicode support in PDF-creation engine
      • Text processing does not depend on Font.Charset
      • Automatic font matching
        • Can handle mixed-language strings (requiring more than one font)
        • No need to set default font to 'Arial Unicode MS' to support non-Latin languages
      • Full support for right-to-left languages and all bidirectional text modes available in TBidiMode
    • PDF creation speed improvements
    • PDF creation file size improvements including improved subset embedding of fonts
    • Support for rendering any third-party image class instance compatible with TGraphic
    • Support for Delphi TGIFImage in 2009 and later IDEs
    • Full support for Delphi 5/6/7/2005/2006/2007/2009/2010 and C++Builder 6/2006/2007/2009/2010
    • Support for transparent text rendering in RichText control in ReportBuilder reports
    • Overhauled Excel engine with support for Excel 2007 in Windows 7
    • Re-engineered spreadsheet engine to export report columns accurately, even across multiple pages and worksheets
    • Excel: Non-exception-based automatic cell-type detection
  • Resolved
    • Issues related to rendering at higher input DPI resolved
    • Incorrect PDF clipping in any DPI
    • Text using non-TrueType fonts not displayed
    • Incorrect character spacing with EMF-to-PDF conversion
    • File name truncation issue
    • Speed issues with report export
    • FontEmbedExcludeList causes text not to be displayed
    • AceReporter Export Interface packages cleaned up
    • Transparent image export with DevExpress printing system
    • EMF-to-RTF fails to export some pages
    • Floating point divide by zero error when dealing with small font sizes
    • Packages renamed based on Delphi's compiler version to provide uniform support for Delphi and C++Builder
    • Excel engine: Text cells detected as percentage values issues solved
    • Text rendering issue when font size is less than zero
    • Text rendering issue when font size is less than zero
    • Plus other minor fixes and optimizations

Version 2.5.2 - September 1, 2009

  • Enhancements
    • General
      • Support for Delphi 2010
      • Mailing support for Indy v10.2.5
    • HTML and Text Generation
      • OnNeedFileName event for changing the file name at run time
  • Resolved
    • General
      • Warnings caused by changes introduced in Delphi 2009
      • Paragraph rendering when AutoPaginate is set to true
      • Rendering of bullet points
      • Some memory leaks
    • PDF Generation
      • Text rendering - access violation and overlapping of text
      • PDF documents with non-ASCII characters causing printing problems
      • Character spacing of Unicode characters
      • Some range-check errors
    • Excel Generation
      • AutoFormatCells property when applied to cells containing percentage values
    • Export Interfaces for Delphi Reporting Tools
      • Fastreport - Blank pages (except for last page) when printing

For older releases of eDocEngine VCL, please click here.

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The license agreements governing the use of this product are given below. For additional understanding of the agreements, please refer to our licensing and purchasing guide .

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Licensing and Purchasing Guide

  • Our Aim. The license agreements are intended to be fair to both our customers and the team that made the products. Hence, they safeguard the interest of all stakeholders while keeping the terms simple and straightforward.
  • Our Considerations.
    • Broad range of applications our customers make.
    • Nature of our components - domain-specific and providing functionality of full-fledged applications
  • Our License Types.
    • Trial License
    • Developer Subscription License
    • SDK License
    • OEM License
    • Student Academic License
    • Source Code License
    • Thought Leader/Technical Evangelist License
  • Choosing Your License.
    • For Development. Get one DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION for each developer. With one DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION, a developer can install the GNOSTICE PRODUCT in one desktop and one laptop that the developer uses. For installing on additional computers, buy additional DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTIONS.
    • Developer licenses are available at discounted prices for purchase quantities greater than 4. Larger teams are recommended to buy the 5-Developer, 10-Developer and 25-Developer Subscription Licenses.
    • For Distribution.
      • To develop/test/deploy/distribute most kinds of software applications using this product, you need a DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION, one for each developer or additional computer. No additional royalty would be required.
      • If the software that you are creating is a developer tool and exposes functionality provided by the GNOSTICE PRODUCT using an application programming interface (API) (say a component library or a Web API), then get an SDK LICENSE in addition to your DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION(s). You need to mail us describing your product.
      • If the software that you are creating is a developer tool (say an IDE) AND bundles the GNOSTICE PRODUCT in a non-compiled form, then get an OEM LICENSE in addition to your DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION(s). You need to mail us describing your product.
      • If you are a student and want to use the GNOSTICE PRODUCT for your project work, then you can get the low-priced STUDENT ACADEMIC LICENSE instead of the more expensive DEVELOPER SUBSCRIPTION. You need to mail us describing your product to purchase an SDK or OEM LICENSE.
  • Non-Profit Organizations. Giving discounts for non-profit organizations requires us to be judgemental about their intentions and practices. For this reason, we provide discounts only to students and educational institutions. It requires limited scrutiny and involves no discrimination. This is a convenient policy and we would like to stick with it. Please excuse us if you are a non-profit looking for a discount. We will not be able to help you in that regard.
  • License Enforcement Techniques. When installing the GNOSTICE PRODUCT, the installation program may require an Internet connection.
  • Renewal, Upgrade and Support Policy.
    • Get discounts on volume purchases.
    • Pay only 40% of the prevailing price for renewals within 1 year of expiry; 60% if more than 1 and less than 3 years of expiry; 85% if more than 3 years of expiry.
    • Upgrade to parent-product bouquets without losing money - pay only the difference - if upgrade is made within one year of expiry.
    • Free major and minor updates for 12 months.
    • Free e-mail support for 12 months.


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TIFF PDF Cleaner

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