
Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors Activation Code [hack]

Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors Activation Code [hack]

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About This Game


Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors is a Survival game combined with RPG elements set in an open world environment. The world of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors changes as you grow, creatures migrate or go extinct, their behavior changes based on available resources and competition, Corpses decayed overtime, and many more! Giving you unique challenges that test your ability to adapt to the ever changing world. Aside from the world that continuously changes as you grow, Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors includes a variety of creatures from the small Chilesaurus, to the mighty Tyrannosaurus, and to the ever lurking Sarcosuchus with each having their own special traits. The creatures of Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors are modeled based on real world findings, giving them a sense of realism while also adding educational value to the game.

Core Features

  • Play as a prehistoric creature from juvenile to adult
  • A combination of Survival and RPG elements
  • Full open world with dynamic creature population

Title: Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Early Access
Arcupion Art
Arcupion Art
Release Date: 18 May, 2018


  • OS: Windows 7 or Newer (64 bit Only)
  • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.6 GHz or faster
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 720 or Equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 5 GB available space


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very undevelopt game, slow as hell and cant chanfe the config keys. The dinosaurs aren't realistic, they do too much damage, and it's too easy to be killed. Plus, there's no way to crouch, and everything takes too long to load. Not cool.. I would say its a good game, still needs time to improve. You have ways to make your dinosaurs faster, more health or stronger in combat. Its simple, easy to learn. So wish to see this game improve in time.

4\/10-Controls-Really want a way to change the keys in settings.

5\/10- Graphics- Could still be improved

5\/10- Over all. Where to begin, fun game, you die a lot, not many dinos to start off on the map so u have to find some, the attack graphics are TERRIBLE, basically you just much on stuff, half of the dinos are NOT AVAILABLE so you cant pick and choose, the tutorial is very bsic with poorly instituted graphics. That said this game still has potential and i would recommend as IF they keep going with this and spruce it up and fix some of the stuff.

As of 12/21/2018 I REALLY want to change my review to NOT recommended. They havent really dont much with the dinos still die right off the bat even with a Trex...The graphics have gotten slightly better so im still gonna hold out and say recommend IF ON SALE>

12/27/2018 Have changed my review to NOT RECOMMENDED at this time. This needs A LOT more work before i can recommend anyone spend money on it

Devlog 4:
Hi everyone,

In this Devlog we wanted to let you know what we’ve been working on and the status for our next major update. We have a lot to share with you in this Devlog so buckle up.

Okay so let’s start with a bit of a bad news, over the past few weeks we’ve been struggling with a few core issues, because of this, our next major update, the rhino update will most likely be pushed back after a big update, we’ll get to that in a bit, but before that let me explain why we made this decision.

The rhino update, at its core, is integrating the Triceratops as a playable character in the main campaign. Based on our initial plan, we would simply add edible plants to the game, add the Triceratops, and done, you can play as the Triceratops from juvenile to adult! This however, did not go according to plan because of 2 reasons.

The first problem is growth. When you play as a carnivore, you can simply kill, gain XP, level up. The thrill is given through combat, overcoming foes, and hunting your prey. This is very much not the case with herbivores because for herbivores to hunt, kill, gain XP, and level up just make no sense. The only time herbivores will do combat is when they are attacked or feel disturbed as it is not required for them to kill to survive since they eat plants. This is a bit tricky for us to pull off, but we do have plans to make this work. One of the ways is for us give XP points to the edible plants, so that when they are eaten they will give XP points. We will also increase the wait time for them to grow back, encouraging players to explore in order to obtain resources. This however, leads to the second problem, which is the placement of edible plants.

With edible plants (resources) as a mean for exploration in mind, it is clear that the edible resources are heavily tied to the terrain, what I mean by this is that, let’s say that there are several edible plants that can only be found in a particular place, and if that “place” is not ready, then putting the edible plants there would look visually awkward. This issue is illustrated in the pictures below.

From a functional standpoint, the picture on the top, though visually awkward, does the job, however, interacting with it feels like you’re grabbing a health kit. With the picture on the bottom, the resources are placed in a suitable environment, making them look more natural. This will not only make exploration a lot more interesting, but will also make resources act as a reward for that exploration. Given our terrain is still very much a placeholder, we would need to improve upon it first and make these “places” before integrating the edible resources in so we don’t have to rework on a lot of these areas later on. We’ve also increased the number of edible plants to improve variety with each having different nutrition level, toxicity level, and rarity level.

Aside from integrating edible plants in preparation for the rhino update, we’re also working on fixing some of the bugs, which mainly revolves around the AI. One of the things that we’re currently adding is a stamina system to the AI, this will make sure that after a long chase, the AI will get tired and walk instead of run, decreasing its speed in half, making it easier for an escape.
This is still very early, and we will add some sort of UI so that you could see the AI’s stats. We’re also heavily revising the AI’s algorithm because we realized a lot of components can be trimmed down, making it less performance intensive. This will also make it easier for us to add new functionalities to the AI later on.

Another thing that revolves around the AI that we are currently tinkering with is the spawning system, we wanted it to be a bit lighter and to spawn AIs more naturally than before. So far our new spawning system managed to do so decently, however there are still several things that needs to be refined before its ready, such as integrating it to our population system.

So, we finally come to the end of this Devlog and based on these reasons, we’ve decided to give a big update before getting to the rhino update. This update will feature the new AI system, new spawning system, the addition of edible resources, and special zones. There is still much to be done before we could make this update live though and we will definitely keep you informed of our progress. Thank you so much for your understanding and exciting times ahead!

More updates coming soon!
. Nature Update - LIVE! (V.
Hi everyone, we’re excited to let you know that Version (Nature Update) is now Live!

There is a lot of features being added to this version, especially if you’re comparing it with the previous public build (V., however, for some of you who have played the tester’s branch (V., the improvements may not be as significant. Because of this, we’ll be comparing this version with our previous public build (V. and the current Beta build (V. for better clarity. Let’s get started:

Compared with previous public build (Compared with V.

Major Overhaul:
•Map/Environment. The map has been greatly overhauled, from the addition of weather system, day and night cycle, dynamic shaders, and the inclusion of several new biomes such as the redwood swamps, conifer forest, and more!

•Weather system. Weather has been added to the game.
•Day and night cycle. Day and night cycle has been added to the game.
•AI Stamina system. AIs will now get tired after chasing a target for a period of time.
•Edible Plants. Edible plants have been added and integrated with population dynamic.
•Carcasses. Carcasses have been added and integrated with population dynamic.
•Plant life report. Population report has been updated and now will be able to report edible plants in the scene.
•Resource trend report. Population report now shows resource trends.
•AI Stats UI, shown when the AI is being tracked by the player.
•Save button (pause menu). Players can now save the game manually in the pause menu without having to quit the game.

•Environment Lighting.
•General Shader improvements. Objects will now respond to weather changes, for example, trees will get wet during the rain, and will dry up when the rain stops.
•AI Spawners. AIs will be spawned in more naturally.
•Tracking. Tracking can now be used to highlight both AIs and resources, highlighted AIs will show their stats UI while highlighted Resources will show their resources UI
•Skills menu. The skills menu has been reworked, making it more compact. This still needs a bit of tweaking so will be improved later on.

•Borders and navigation area fixed. AIs will not go through map boundaries.
•Bug while loading fixed.
•Bug when AI dies but still stands up fixed.
•Redwood log collider fixed. Players will not be able to go through fallen redwood logs

•Fur Shader.

Compared with tester’s build (Compared with V.

•Heavy rain and storm added.
•Day and night cycle added.
•AI Stats UI, shown when the AI is being tracked by the player.
•Carcasses. Carcasses have been added and integrated with population dynamic.
•Plant life report. Population report has been updated and now will be able to report edible plants in the scene.
•Resource trend report. Population report now shows resource trends.

•Optimization, the game will now run smoother and faster.
•Tracking. Tracking can now be used to highlight both AIs and resources, highlighted AIs will show their stats UI while highlighted Resources will show their resources UI.
•Skills menu. The skills menu has been reworked, making it more compact. This still needs a bit of tweaking so will be improved later on.
•Edible plants integrated with population dynamic.
•AI Spawner system. Increased number of AIs spawned and further alignment with population dynamic, now rare AIs will be rare and common AIs will be more common.

•Resources UI is now disabled by default.
•Redwood log collider fixed. Players will not be able to go through fallen redwood logs.
•Weather volume has been decreased.
•Second island flowers shortened.
. DPS - Pre Release Post 3:
Hi everyone,

Over the past couple of days, we’ve been working on a new mechanic, the tracking system, and we’re happy to report that we’re able to integrate it to the game, making it available for the early access release. Have a look at the video below:

The tracking system allows the highlight of multiple creatures that are near to the player, making it easier for players to see potential prey or predator. The tracking system is still very basic and currently only works for living creatures. The tracking system will heavily be improved during the early access period, we wanted this to look better and be able to highlight more stuff later on.

More updates coming soon!. Devlog 11:
Hi everyone,

Over these past few weeks we have been revising and improving the combat and AI for the game. We realized that our old combat system was a little too stationary, because of this we have implemented a new system that would make it more active.

In this new system, creatures in combat will be able to push or be pushed by others, we have also coupled this with an improved “Get-Hit” animation and stationary attack animations to make attack animations feel and look more powerful.
Because of the ridiculous amount of time creating proper and fluid attack animations, we have decided to add and improve these animations much later on when all other core elements have been implemented into the game.

Another thing about the new combat system is that we have also differentiated between moving and stationary attacks.This made sure that moving creatures will play different sets of animation depending on their movement, so attack animations between moving creatures will be different compared to stationary creatures.

Aside from the combat system, we have also improved a bunch of things for the AI. One of the most noticeable one is that AIs will now have a need for resources, this means that AIs will eventually grow hungry and would need to look for resources.
Currently all of this is available in our DevLab branch (V. With the amount of things that have been added, we wanted to make sure that there aren’t any game breaking bugs before we go public with this update.

That’s currently it for this Devlog, more updates coming soon.
. Quick Fix - Patch
Hi everyone,

Wanted to give you guys a little quick fix to help improve gameplay,
here are the fixes:

•AI Spawn time decreased, will make the world less empty
•Dynamic target highlighter. Target highlighter will adjust its size based on
target size
•Fur shader implemented
. Devlog 12:
Hi everyone,

it’s been a while since we’ve posted a devlog. This is because we have a few things to say regarding part 3 of our campaign update.

At its core, part 3 was going to be one of the late updates for the campaign mode, introducing major refinements to the overall mode to make it comparable with the final version of the game.Upon working on it we realized that the campaign mode was a bit too empty, and one of the main reason for this is because of the lack of variety of dinosaurs present in the world.

Because of this, we have made the decision to extend our list of dinosaurs present in the game.

However, adding new creatures requires a great amount of time, this is because aside from actually working on making the creatures, we need to integrate them into the game world, which in turn required us to re-balance the game. Couple this with our recently added RPG elements and population system, adding creatures is much more time consuming than before.

Because of this we have come up with a solution and that is to use our pre-existing creatures as “bases” for our newer creatures. This would enable us to save a lot of time modeling and animating creatures from scratch while also having a relatively decent result.

The picture above shows our newly created dinosaur, the Daspletosaurus which is derived from the Tyrannosaurus sub-adult model. The sub-adult Tyrannosaurus had a very similar build to the Daspletosaurus which enable us to use it to create the model.

In order to further contrast between the two models, we have added additional features such as a broader head, more pronounced scales, and new color scheme to the Daspletosaurus to make it more unique.

We are fully aware that creatures created from scratch will always be more unique, however, from our standpoint, creating creatures from scratch at this moment is simply not viable, because of this we will do what we can to get the most out of our current method.

With the main problem discovered and resolved, we are now in full force to getting part 3 in to the public.

It must be noted that although we technically managed to cut development time, there are still plenty of things that needs to be done in terms of getting this update live, with most of that time being used to integrate the creatures and properly balancing the game.

Because of this, part 3 will come at a much later date than anticipated, and if everything goes accordingly, part 3 should be live around June and will come no later than early July.

Thank you so much for your understanding and support. We have come a long way developing this game and we will make sure that this game reach completion.

More updates coming soon.. Campaign Update Part 1 - LIVE! (V.
Hi everyone,

This is the first part of updates that will be focusing on the campaign mode. Seeing the size of the campaign mode, we have decided to do split our updates into multiple parts, focusing on specific elements that would benefit the campaign mode. Doing this will not only reduce the amount of time between public updates, but also helps us focus on specific elements.

It must be noted, however, that differences between updates will not be too significant, coupled this with an additional devlab updates between public updates, the transition from update to update will be much less significant and more gradual.

As was established in our previous devlab branch (Version, this update mainly focuses on refining two major elements which are the AI and Combat system. In addition, three small areas have also been added to the map. At this moment, these areas are still very basic and would be further improved later on.

Combat Improvements:
•Action and reaction system added. The addition of action and reaction system makes combat look and feel more impactful as creatures are either pushed back or moving towards their opponent.
•Added weight and attack power. Weight determines how well a creature could withstand being pushed by others. Attack power determines how capable the creature is in pushing others.
•Added and improved Get-Hit animation. Now when attacked by a heavy attack, creatures will play the Get-Hit animation, making heavy attacks feel more powerful.
•Stationary Attack animations added. Stationary attack animations have been added to better support the new combat system.
•Attack cooldowns added. This helps smoothen attack transitions and pace.
•Movement and non-movement based attacks differentiated. Now creatures will play different sets of animation depending on their movement, so attack animations between moving creatures will be different compared to idle creatures.

AI Improvements:
•AI nutrition needs added. AIs will now grow hungry and look for edible resources.
•AI Roaring improved. AIs will only roar when they are at a certain distance from their opponents.
•AI Attack transitions and switching improved. AI attacks will now be more consistent.
•AI Cower behavior improved. Cowering AIs will now move randomly, making them more difficult to catch and hunt down.
•Significant rotation speed increase. This helps the AI move more fluidly.

General Additions:
•Three small regions added to the map which are the southern swamp, lake, and mountain lake.

General fixes:
•Camera Clipping Fixed. Decrease camera clipping distance with the terrain.
•Toxicity fixed. Highly toxic resources will not deplete health immediately when eaten, instead will deplete health overtime. The higher the difference between the resource toxicity and toxic resistance would result in faster health depletion. Nutritious but highly toxic resources would deplete health longer.
•Increase drinking restore rate. Drinking will now restore more health and regain more thirst stamina.
•Player Input fix. Player input would not be registered when the game is paused.
•Stamina depletion fix. Stamina will no longer deplete automatically when shift is held down while idle, stamina will deplete only when shift is held down while the player is running.
•Map borders and colliders fixed. Now map borders will look more natural and have more accurate colliders.
•Log and wood colliders fixed.
•Spawner region fixed.. Quick Fix - Patch
Tiny patch to fix a game breaking bug:

• Enable to Press Spacebar when finished loading, apparently sometimes the continue button doesn’t activate, pressing the Spacebar will make sure that you’ll be able to continue to the next scene.

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