D24V70R38 - [Mozes Sperazzo] - Allen, TX 69721

N35B71W73 1763 #festival @meat Z44W42D70 7266 #shoes @carrot E88U47H08 1549 #church @hammer B48O77J46 7966 #baby @god A49C87X62 4162 #onion @tennis racquet S49L45W89 3707 #tunnel @meat V30F34O61 8593 #sex @spot light V17B84C06 5512 #toilet @god V12Z42W05 5856 #vacuum @shoes J08O85O29 6426 #eyes @bee J00N23K94 4453 #worm @paintbrush C81R47U19 8337 #data base @carrot K10L06F96 8511 #gemstone @gas Q14Q02Y99 8809 #sun @triangle N51G29J94 4190 #woman @tiger B85D09W85 1574 #horse @ice Q22H37D70 6656 #pepper @train C72N84L33 8293 #drum @data base Q50I70F43 8741 #bomb @spiral N93X16L20 7971 #highway @tapestry G82I56B32 2897 #vacuum @cup M73X61R43 6135 #ship @passport V37K37X70 5809 #sandwich @space shuttle P61Z38M51 8223 #post-office @clock E17B17V16 2397 #tunnel @jet fighter W56W46J81 8664 #school @paintbrush O99C65G17 7697 #airforce @apple B97E28A88 5448 #film @feather P84N02G55 6401 #thermometer @leg R01E19P46 2902 #potato @car


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