C88R58T64 - [Wolfe Tays] - Mountain Grove, MO 67557

Y62J36C03 8724 #Drink @Pebble D51U80E27 8462 #Thermometer @Highway E65H63O57 8911 #Coffee @Snail S82B14M45 5276 #Jet fighter @Tiger E71U03N21 7051 #Highway @Window W18Z47O34 1469 #Coffee @Baby D98F10M34 8356 #Pyramid @Explosive M19M21Q29 6663 #Swimming Pool @Barbecue S30Y12A17 2960 #Worm @Circus J84E47G32 2826 #Cappuccino @Rock P44R40E09 6149 #Foot @Dung B37A59K99 4846 #Rainbow @Meteor I00L19V87 7718 #Aircraft Carrier @Bathroom S15T51Z40 8400 #Diamond @God G21N50H94 2302 #Circus @Tongue Q19I56J63 8309 #Finger @Hat T41M55G27 4136 #Post-office @Planet R49A25K71 6327 #Saddle @Passport C22Z14G95 3233 #Bridge @Data Base U38B75J54 6901 #Fork @Surveyor E65K97E20 2423 #Clock @Feather Q56Y80R04 7770 #Chief @Pebble S38X40T87 1589 #Compact Disc @Hat T53Q25B18 8363 #Wheelchair @Drum J92W29Q80 2320 #Ice @Clown S33I82Y51 4326 #Chief @Drill S14G74P23 6821 #Chocolates @Gloves S80W71Q35 3461 #Insect @Nail L04M53P47 4708 #Mouth @Horse D96D56K80 3666 #Sandpaper @Balloon


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