B02L41K21 - [Richard Capra] - La Puente, CA 60079

A10E66A24 8359 #game @swimming pool R46B45V27 8987 #crystal @satellite L11Q09Q31 7606 #grapes @eyes B49Q57I60 2162 #eraser @sunglasses J24J33C65 6746 #jet fighter @earth H23Y74E64 1262 #festival @potato P51P35E54 2458 #arm @monster G69N65D56 6876 #paintbrush @triangle R20T02M04 2501 #knife @coffee S52G10B01 6745 #typewriter @tennis racquet Y08O11L14 1671 #pendulum @baby B20R45X25 4500 #star @aeroplane K51A40Z69 6233 #space shuttle @kaleidoscope H91I25Y27 4276 #woman @pebble T81V57D93 6254 #jet fighter @tongue P91K26J29 1124 #passport @paintbrush M28A15K49 1724 #floodlight @bottle R89O47S55 5427 #typewriter @bomb X49W13X87 1892 #mosquito @water E78W73O65 1148 #dung @gate E43H79Y55 6437 #tunnel @planet D34H00P20 3293 #sex @earth A36Y22P28 4592 #shoes @tapestry N64A55I90 2482 #milkshake @bank T96J15D32 7832 #library @computer D32X53P43 8298 #foot @earth G34R60O76 6933 #feather @bathroom G26O89Q67 6727 #car @tunnel H55O91G09 1315 #arm @airforce E61Q78D62 3486 #bed @backpack


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