
AutoDWG DWG to Image Converter fresh version of windows 7, 8.1, 10 x86 bit


Download AutoDWG DWG to Image Converter fresh version of windows 7, 8.1, 10 x86 bit from the server or mirror


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VBEditor ActiveX

VBEditor ActiveX

VBEditor ActiveX
This Parameter is the most important of all the other. You need to use it before Loadinf a file. It's value is the VB EXE file you want to Decompile. This parameter is used to know whether or not

This Parameter is the most important of all the other. You need to use it before Loadinf a file. It's value is the VB EXE file you want to Decompile.

This parameter is used to know whether or not you want to Generate a VBP project after Loading a file (Generate=TRUE ). Yhe default value is set to FALSE

This parameter as no use for you, it is used by the ocx but as no real interest for user.

This parameter is the number of Object found into your EXE file. You can useit after loading a file.

This Parameter is the Destination path when you want to Generate a *.VBP Project

This Parameter if set to TrvActive=False show all the result of decompilation into a Grid.This is the default value. If the value is set to TrvActive=True then the OCX will show the result into a treeview.

This parameter is used by the OCX only if TrvActive is set to TRUE. The treeview will open itself after decompilation. If this value is set to "FALSE " then only the containers objects are shown directly.You will be able to access the other object cliking on the Containters object.

  • ConfigGrid (Appearance3D As Boolean, ScrollBarStatus_0_to_3 As Integer, ForeColor As ColorConstants, BackColor As ColorConstants, Width As Integer, heightt As Integer, RowNumber As Integer):

This function enable the user to configure the Ocx's Grid.You can adjust it's apparence (3D or flat);to show or not the scrollbars (none=2, horizontal=1, vertical=3, or both=0);to set up the ForeColor,the BackColor, to set up the width, height(heightt) and also the Raw Numbers it will contain.

Warning. if the number of raw is lower than the number of object contained into the Exe file then the OCX will crash.

  • ConfigTree (Apparence3D As Boolean, BorderStyleFixedSingle As Boolean, Width As Integer, heightt As Integer)

Comme la méthode précédente. cette méthode permet à l'utilisateur de paraméter le treeview lui même. Il peut donc régler l' Apparence3D (3D ou plat), le BorderStyleFixedSingle ( avec ou sans contour), la largeur (Width ) et la Hauteur du controle (heightt )

  • decompileobjt (ByVal offset As Long, ByVal Name As String)

This function is a bit special, it decompiles the parameters of a particular object.You need to load a file at least once to be able to use this function without a crash using the "LoadFile " function (see after) ,and giving it by the offset argument. the offset of the properties beguining, as well as the Name of the object by the Name argument. The example of the VBP project with this OCX show you this use. All the informations about object are then sent to you by the GetDecompiledValue(Property_Name As String, ByVal val As Variant, ByVal offset As Long) event. one object after an ather.

This Function is really easy to use and need no arguments. It Simply rebuilt a *.VBP project with all the *.frm files into thet OutputDir folder. you still needs to "LoadFile " before using this function.

This Function id sending you using the GetComponents(component As String, Location As String, Included As String) event ,all the DLL or Active X components linked with your exe file.

  • GetDataCode (BeguiningObjOffset As Long)

This function is usefull to get back the ascii and the hexa value of an object.All those information are sent back using the ObjetData(DataInHex As String, DataInString As String) event.

  • GetDescEn (ByVal ParamName As String) As String

This function is very interesting in a GUI point of view, because you can get the English Description of a property. you just need to know the ParamName name of the property. The Properties Name a givent by the GetDecompiledValue(Property_Name As String, ByVal val As Variant, ByVal offset As Long) event. Property_Name is the equivalent of ParamName.

  • GetDescFr (ByVal ParamName As String) As String

This function is the same as below exept that it gives you the FRENCH description of a property.

This function gives you all the information from the OCX's Grid. But those informations are given the firt time u use the "LoadFile " function.

  • GetOCXDesc (ByVal DescName As String) As String

This function is to get back the OCX informations (using the DescName parameter) such as:

DescName 's values can be: "Description", "Name", "Version.Minor", "Version.Major", "Version.Revisions", "Author", "Url_Author", "OCXBuilds", "CopyRights", "FileName", "VBKCompatible", "ObjReplace".

This function enables the user to retrieve all the strings from the EXE file (it's often MsgBox messages),it also give the offset of thoses strings as well as the String type (unicode or normal string). You can get the informations using the StringList(S_tring As String, offset As Long, Unicode As Boolean) Event. The UNICODE value is for String wich all characters are seperated with chr$(0) .So you need to be carefull when you want to write datas into the EXE file.

  • LoadFile (ByVal fichier As String)

This is the KEY function of this OCX. If you don't use it in the beguining the all the others function might not work properly or migh CRASH. This function is looking for all VB object. and drawing a grid with all the informations about thoses objects such as the object name, it's offsets, and the object"s 'inheritance'. All this is written into the OCX Grid and give back by the FindObj(offset As Long, Name As String, Caption As String, typObj As String, Debutpropriétées As Long, finpropriétées As Long, Etatcont As Integer, Lname As Integer, LCaption As Integer) Event.

  • SetProperty (objname As String, ObjOffset As Long, Propoffset As Long, Value As Variant, VariableType As VbVarType) As Boolean

This fuinction is used to directly change a propery value into the EXE file. But you can also Edit the EXE file by your own using the proper offset given to you by the OCX. To use it you will need the Object's Beguining Property( ObjOffset ), it's offset inside the object (Propoffset ), the value you want to update,And the Value type (Integer, double, string. )(VariableType). The last parameter can be difficult to evaluate if you know nothing about Objects Decompilation. The next Version, of this OCX will enable the user to avoid this parameter. But the user will have to tell the ocx what property he want to update. This will enable the user to save time and concentrate on something more important. For the momment all i can say is HAVE FUN. -D

  • FindObj (offset As Long, Name As String, Caption As String, typObj As String, Debutpropriétées As Long, finpropriétées As Long, Etatcont As Integer, Lname As Integer, LCaption As Integer)

This event recieves all the objects found by the ocx one after another with their principals parameters.

  • GetDecompiledValue (Property_Name As String, ByVal val As Variant, ByVal offset As Long)

This event is recieving the properties one by one with their values, name, offsets of a specific object.

  • GetComponents (component As String, Location As String, Included As String)

Here you will get the ActiveX components,as well as the Dll used by the EXE file. The informations are the components name ( component ), their Location into your OS. and the Librairies used Included

  • StringList (S_tring As String, offset As Long, Unicode As Boolean)

This event is sending back all the String values found into the EXE file with. it's values (S_tring ), offsets(offset ), et leurs type (Unicode ou pas). Certaines chaines de caractère peuvent ne pas appartenir à un objet mais faire partie de certaines fonctions internes à l'executable tel un classique Msgbox.

This event is for Getting any possible error that may occure during the use of the OCX.

  • GridInfos (offset As Long, Name As String, Caption As String, typObj As String, Debutpropriétées As Long, finpropriétées As Long, Etatcont As Integer, Lname As Integer, LCaption As Integer, Index As Integer)

This event enables the user to get all the informations from the grid list of the OCX.

  • TreeSelectedItemNfo (Name As String, offset As Long)

This event gives the user back the selected object Name and it's offset from the OCX treeviesw. It can be usefull to quickly retrieve the informations about any objects .

  • ObjetData (DataInHex As String, DataInString As String)

This event can be usefull to get the Object Datas in Hexa (DataInHex ) or in ascii value (DataInString ) of a selected object.

  • PercentageAcomplished (Percentage As Integer)

This event Enable the user to know the percentage of the current OCX process such as the LoadFile and GenerateFrm functions.
VBEditor ActiveX

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