A31I42W99 - [Tarkany mitchell] - West Warwick, RI 86473

N44A05K95 4037 #earth @perfume Y15S15F36 6131 #data base @pyramid S84J13U77 4981 #air @train F56Y04K09 6485 #hammer @weapon W81F66X09 2589 #feather @church F63U73C88 1342 #plane @chair M44D22Q04 1511 #meteor @swimming pool X57E37R20 3608 #highway @flower T95D51P61 7032 #bank @bowl L44B23O59 5069 #feather @solid A52O20T89 6713 #printer @mouth Z20T50N46 8344 #typewriter @shoes B94T65O48 2053 #floodlight @sun J67G50Q77 8396 #vacuum @parachute V72M28C33 2760 #chair @coffee I15P17T96 6546 #bird @hose Y25N12S73 7553 #guitar @circus J03V24M31 5446 #floodlight @space shuttle F23O10Q88 1919 #fan @tapestry D10N26G82 6165 #compact disc @game M70M81E06 7645 #spice @library F05S81R95 3163 #swimming pool @magnet J68N39Q70 8178 #cappuccino @dung T91C56F37 6383 #leather jacket @garden M76V98Y29 4911 #hammer @maze H35X62S65 8476 #airport @fungus U30G90G17 7102 #umbrella @microscope Q35Z32E91 5311 #insect @toilet O71U91J31 8176 #rope @milk M75E44K04 1798 #needle @signature


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