
Social media management is how you manage your presence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by creating, publishing, and then analyzing the content of the post. Additionally, social media management will include interacting and engaging with social media users.
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Table of Contents
1. What is Social Media Management?
2. Why Should You Practice Social Media Management?
3. Top Social Networks for Social Media Management
4. Best Tools for Social Media Management
5. What is Included in Social Media Management?
6. What is the Cost of Social Media Management?
7. Why Should You Invest in Social Media Management Services?

You can utilize services, tools, and social media managers to take care of your social media management.
Social media managers, whether they are a team member, in-house employee, or consultant at a social media agency, will be skilled professionals for advertising, management, and social media marketing. They can help you to reach your goals for social media such as social media revenue or growing your following.
It does not matter how you go about social media management; whether you are using a toolset or an agency, it is essential that you understand more about the definition of social media management. You should know what it will include as well as how to make it work for your company.
That is what this guide is. It will help you to get started with managing your own social media profiles. If you want, you can always skip ahead through the table of contents and start boosting your profile today by calling us at XXX-XXX-XXXX or our online form.

What is Social Media Management?
Social media management is when you manage your presence on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by creating, publishing, and then analyzing the content of the post. Additionally, social media management will include interacting and engaging with social media users. You can streamline your social media management using paid and free tools or go through a professional social media management service.
Why Should You Practice Social Media Management?
Social media management will have multiple benefits that can include:
Reach: Social media networks like LinkedIn to Facebook can connect you with users all over the globe. You can use these types of platforms to reach your niche audiences. Traditional advertising and marketing will not be able to match the price or reach of social media. That is why social media management is so vital for business.
Performance: Both marketers and business owners agree with the performance of social media marketing and advertising. Through social interaction, companies can build their brands and even generate potential customers and sales. For example, nearly 45% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers have won customers through Facebook.
Cost: It does not matter what your marketing budget, social media is a cost-effective method. It is free to join these social networks, respond to user comments, post content, and so much more. Even the advertising offers you a profitable market for reaching the audience and building up a more substantial following online.
Users: When you use social media as part of your marketing strategy, you are aligning your marketing initiatives to user behavior. For instance, 74% of users are using social media to make purchase decisions. Then 80% of users are getting advice about their purchases through social media.
It is vital that you consider using the multiple advantages of social media for your marketing strategy.
Top Social Networks for Social Media Management
One of the most common follow up questions to what social media management is will be about the platforms that get included. That is a good question because you want to focus on resources and time on social media networks that offer the best value to your business.
Here is a list of the most common platforms for social media management:
• Pinterest
• YouTube
• LinkedIn
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Facebook
Social Media Platforms

With more than 200 million users, Pinterest can provide companies with a visual focus like flower shops, clothing stores, and building manufacturers to be able to connect with people in their target focus.
Learn more about social media marketing on Pinterest:
Usage: Pinterest is very suitable for displaying your products in a non-promotional way. For example, you can highlight the purpose and function of the product. You can even contact influencers to promote your product further.
Advantages: One of Pinterest's privileges is that users rely on it to plan future purchases. A study found that more than 85% of millennials use it for this purpose. Therefore, you can connect with consumers who are already planning to buy.
Demographics: This social media platform has attracted a large number of female audiences. More than 40% of women use Pinterest, while only 16% of men. Users aged 18 to 49 also dominate the platform.
Depending on the audience base you are wanting, Pinterest will be a large asset to any type of social media management.
Although agents will be different on their professional platforms, we focus on several social media platforms. Our social media management service is available for Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

YouTube has more than 1 billion users and provides access to more than 70% of adults in the United States. In response, companies are using their YouTube accounts for more operations, from creating operation videos to showing behind-the-scenes materials.
Learn more about social media marketing for YouTube:
Usage: Using YouTube, your company can provide users with information content. Some examples include how-to videos on your product, as well as explanatory videos related to your industry or service. These can increase user brand awareness and bring conversions.
Advantages: YouTube's significant advantage is that it has more conversions than any other social media platform, even Facebook. That can bring considerable benefits to your company, especially if you want to provide high-priced products.
Demographics: Like Facebook, YouTube has a wide range of users, aged between 18 and 65. Even 40% of people over 65 watch YouTube, while nearly 68% of people between 50 and 64 are using the platform.
YouTube is more time-consuming than other social media, but it is worth the investment.

As the world's largest professional social network, LinkedIn provides access to
more than 550 million users
. That is why it is an ideal platform for companies looking to recruit candidates and establish their position as industry leaders.
Learn more about social media marketing for LinkedIn:
Usage: Like Twitter, LinkedIn can be used to share news-related materials, such as company announcements or industry-specific news. It can also help build relationships with other companies and build your reputation through content marketing.
Advantages: LinkedIn brings some benefits to enterprises, primarily B2B operations. For B2B leads from social media, 80% come from LinkedIn. Therefore, more than 60% of marketers consider it to be the most effective platform for their business.
Demographics: A popular platform like LinkedIn, is big among college graduates, and that is also why 50% of graduates have maintained LinkedIn profiles. Not to mention, 90% of LinkedIn users are also on Facebook, which is helpful if your strategy gets focused on two platforms.
Depending on your goals, market, and operations, LinkedIn can provide multiple advantages.

With more than one billion monthly active users, Instagram is becoming the new standard for social media management services. It focuses on images and videos and encourages companies to come up with creative ways to attract and engage audiences.
Learn more about social media marketing for Instagram:
Usage: Like Facebook, Instagram is also useful for building relationships with consumers and attracting them. Depending on your industry, you can also use Instagram to generate new leads. That is why retail, entertainment, and beauty companies often use the platform.
Advantages: The advantage of Instagram is that users like to use the platform. That is the reason for 60% check-in every day, which increases the opportunity for users not only to see your posts but also to interact with them.

Twitter has 330 million users, and its influence is not as strong as Facebook. However, it does provide your business visits to a group of users who interact with the brand every day. That is your advantage, depending on your target audience.
Learn more about social media marketing for Twitter:
Usage: Unlike Facebook, Twitter focuses on news. It also emphasizes two-way dialogue between users, whether they are brands or consumers. If you want to interact with your target audience, Twitter is the right choice.
Advantages: One of Twitter's strengths is that users-they are active and willing to interact with other users. Twitter also has a specific audience, which is helpful if there are 18 to 29 year-olds in the target market.
Demographics: Less than 25% of American adults have Twitter accounts, but social media platforms can provide users between the ages of 18 and 29 with competitive access, 40% of Twitter users are from this age group. They are also active on the platform many times a day.
Twitter is not suitable for all companies, but it does provide value for companies in specific industries.

Facebook has more than one billion daily users and is a growing social media network. Therefore, agencies that provide social media management services will not only focus on Facebook but also recommend it because of the diversity of the audience.
Learn more about social media marketing for Facebook:
Usage: From a social media management perspective, Facebook is beneficial for building relationships with current and future customers. It can also help build brand loyalty, thereby encouraging future purchases.
Advantages: One of the great things about Facebook is that it has a variety of advertising and content formats, from photos to videos to text. Even better, for more than 40% of business-to-business (B2B) marketers, it attracts new customers.
Demographic characteristics: Facebook provides access to several different demographic characteristics from the elderly, young people to men and women. Besides, more than 50% of adults in the United States use Facebook multiple times every day, which allows you to connect with different classes of your target audience.
No matter what your industry or goals are, you want to use Facebook in your social media strategy.
Best Tools for Social Media Management
If you are excited about starting to use social media, you can use social media management tools to improve the experience and productivity. These paid and unpaid tools can help you arrange content, respond to comments, and more.
Some of the best social media management tools include:
CoSchedule: CoSchedule is a paid tool whose focus is not limited to managing your social media. Schedule all of your posts to social media, publish blog articles, built a content calendar, and so much more.
Hootsuite: Hootsuite is another paid social media management tool that can help you manage all social media platforms, answer user questions and comments across channels, and monitor the effectiveness of social media strategies through analysis.
Buffer: Buffer is a paid tool that can help to establish a posting schedule, schedule social media posts, manage social media accounts, and more. Besides, it can also be used as a mobile application, making social media management hassle-free.
Browse our complete list of recommended social media management tools to find the ideal tool!
What is Included in Social Media Management?
Since the definition of social media management is very general, it is natural to want to know what social media management includes. You want to know where you should focus your energy and how much time social media will take.
Generally, you can expect to focus on the following nine processes:
1. Research Target Audiences
Surveying your audience is a core part of social media management. If your agency (or your company) doesn't know whom your audience is, then developing a social media strategy can become challenging.
Know who your audience is and know where to find them online.
That is critical because you want to invest the most in social media management. By targeting your audience on their preferred platform, you can get a higher
return on investment (ROI).

For example, imagine social media marketing for a dentist. One dentist provides pediatric care, while the other provides implant services. Each of them works in the health and medical fields, but their audiences are entirely different.
When their social media management services include audience research, these practices ensure that they invest marketing budgets and advertising expenditures to create content and advertisements targeted at the right users without the need for anyone who needs dental care.
Investing in social media management services, you can expect your account manager to ask your target audience from the start. In some cases, agencies may proactively ask your target audience when you call to discuss their services.
2. Creating Social Media Strategies
Before your account manager can launch your social media campaign, they need to develop your strategy. In most cases, the various uses and roles of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn as well as other social media platforms, they will focus on developing strategies for each platform.
In addition to considering your audience, they will also study the following factors:
The Goal: What are you looking to accomplish through social media? Are you wanting to build more brand awareness with consumers or establish brand loyalty with existing customers? What is the goal that you want to accomplish?
The Industry: What does the audience in the industry want to know? Are there gaps in the content that your company can fill with guides or blog posts that you can share on social media? Are there industry leaders that you can connect with on different platforms?
The Brand: What is the voice of your brand? How does your branding influence the media and colors that you use? Do you have processes or standards when engaging with consumers on social media?
Some of these questions, such as brand standards and goals, will require your direct input. We have always wanted to learn about your company-it is this curiosity that allows us to develop reliable and personalized social media strategies.
3. Design your social media account
Only 26% of businesses use social media in their business strategies, so if you need to create or update accounts on different platforms such as Instagram or Twitter, this is understandable. However, your social media account must be consistent with your brand.

Therefore, social media management services can also include social media design. This service focuses on creating professional images that will attract your brand and impress users.
In most cases, social media design will focus on static images of your account, such as:
• Your Instagram profile picture
• Your Facebook header, icon and profile picture
• Your Twitter header and background
Once they have designed your social media accounts, and you have approved these designs, your social media experts can proceed to achieve your marketing goals, like driving conversions or increasing post engagement.
4. Make Ads
Based on your business goals and service plan, your social media manager will develop an advertising strategy for your company. If you want to win more real followers and encourage user participation, then social media advertising is essential.
From Facebook to Snapchat, ad processing methods vary across platforms. They have different types of ads and different goals. For example, Facebook provides the option of creating advertisements to increase brand awareness, attract potential customers, increase store visits, and much more.
Some other advertising features that your social media manager will look at include:
• Cost-per-click (CPC)
• content
• audience
• Call to Action (CTA)
• media
• And more
These are the key factors that affect the success of advertising. You can use compelling CTA to create ads, but if you target the ads to the wrong audience, you won't see the expected results.
Before starting the campaign, you should have the opportunity to review and log out of ads.
5. Create Content Calendars
Another deliverable included in most social media management services is the content calendar for each social media account. This calendar can provide a reference for you and your professional social media management team.
In the content calendar (including the current month), you can view scheduled posts from your social media accounts. These posts may include company announcements and holiday information, as well as shared content, such as blog posts on your website or pictures of customers.
Before publishing these posts, your social media manager may ask you to review and approve all content in advance. Although this requires some effort from you, it can guarantee that the only content that can go online is the content you want.
6. Create Content for Specific Platforms
Social media experts do not just build a content calendar for your company. They can also create content in it. In some cases, they may oversee all aspects of content creation, from developing themes to writing copies to selecting media.

However, to create the best content, many social media experts will work with graphic designers and copywriters. The result is a piece of content that resonates with users and achieves the company's goals.
Suppose your calendar contains content from a third party, such as you sharing products in a blog post from an influencer. Your social media manager will ensure that they have the appropriate links and headings for your social media Share on media accounts.
7. Respond to Followers
Many social media management services include daily duties to interact with your followers and commenters. For many companies, this service is invaluable because it directly affects brand awareness and brand loyalty.

As part of this service, your social media manager will comply with your brand and company standards when interacting with followers. They also respond to users who leave negative comments (for example, about bad experiences).
For social media users, your company's interaction with them shows that you care. In many industries, this will differentiate your business from your competitors. It can even become a selling point for consumers, mainly since more than 65% of people use social media to provide customer service.
8. Growing Social Reach for Your Business
Advertising is not the only way for social media experts to increase followers and social media presence. As part of your social media management service, your provider may contact influencers and trusted organizations in your industry.
That may cause these people to overwrite your company, thereby connecting you with their followers. The result gets increased exposure of your brand and a chance to win more followers and customers.

For example, if you sell kitchen cabinets, influential people may highlight your products when you buy a refurbished kitchen. They will create a post that focuses on their experience on social media, and then you can share it with yourself.
You and other organizations have the opportunity to get coverage.
9. Monitoring Social Media Performance for Your Business
A crucial part of social media management is to monitor your job performance. Therefore, your team of social media experts will track the effectiveness of your ads and creative content and share these results with you.
If you are wanting to see how well your business is performing, then using MarketingCloudFX may be a way to do it. Not only can you see your performance, but you can also see your return on investment. This software created by using IBMs artificial intelligence software has a lot of other tools that are quite useful when it comes to digital marketing on any type of social media and even outside of social media as well.
When you invest in a social media management service (or any digital marketing service), it is essential that you work with an agency that can not only monitor the performance of your social media account but also when the performance drops respond.
You want partners also to develop action plans to improve low performance, not people who make excuses. With this way of thinking, you will find the best agent for your business. This kind of partnership can bring better results and a better return on investment.
What is the Cost of Social Media Management?
When it comes to an average amount, most companies can spend between $4000 up to $7000 each month just for social media management. That investment is also including maintaining and building social media advertising strategies and social media marketing along with monthly allotments of tool subscriptions and ad costs.
Depending on your business, you may have higher or lower social media management costs. However, you can use this price range to establish a realistic budget for your social media marketing and advertising strategy.
Why Should You Invest in Social Media Management Services?
Social media provides a massive opportunity for your company to grow your brand and business. For many organizations, especially small and medium businesses (SMB), setting aside time and resources for social media management is a challenge.
Therefore, many people invest in social media management services, which have the following advantages:
Achieve ambitious goals: Like most companies, your business may want measurable results from social media. You may even have some ambitious goals, such as reaching a certain number of followers. A dedicated social media agency can help you achieve these goals.
Maintain quality strategy: Social media agencies are there to make sure that your social media strategy stays up to date and active. They will consistently be proactive and will regularly monitor and improve your methods, from brand awareness to sales tracking to sales to achieve the desired results.
Get a social media expert: Professional social media management services can also become an expert with you. You don't need to worry about the time or expense of hiring social media experts internally. On the contrary, you can gain one's expertise immediately.
Save plenty of time: Time is one of those causes that many companies end up deciding that social media is just not worth it. Whenever you decide to go with asocial media agency, you are getting someone who can handle all of the efforts that you are trying to achieve through social media. You are going to be saving yourself much time without having to ditch a channel that produces plenty of revenue.
If you are having problems with social media management, then do not worry because you are not alone.
Many businesses are trying to launch and maintain a successful social campaign, and that does include competitors. It is okay for you to try to get ahead of the competition by using social media to the full advantage by investing and exploring social media management services.
Are you looking for a social media management service?
If you need an agency that provides social media management, then you can trust us to be your leading social media management provider. We have plenty of experience and an award-winning team of specialists that know a lot about social media.
You can start to build your target market by calling us today at XXX-XXX-XXXX or online.
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