
Alex's Blog (165)

Sweaty hands and palms

Excessive sweating of the hands (hyperdidrosis of the palms) can cause any person a lot of discomfort - from the inability to engage in certain activities to banal self-doubt. While underarm sweating can be dealt with with an antiperspirant, palms sweating is almost impossible to hide.

According to research by the World Health Organization, axillary hyperhidrosis, expressed in sweating of the palms, affects approximately 3% of the world's population. However, increased sweating in…


Added by Alex on August 12, 2021 at 11:32am — 1 Comment

How to choose blinds for windows: types and features

Modern blinds have long won the hearts of designers and apartment owners, ceasing to be an exclusively attribute of gray office premises. Today, manufacturers offer products of new modifications, made of various materials, sustained in a wide stylistic and color range. It is not difficult to choose something special for almost any interior, it remains only to figure out what types of structures exist, and what their features are.

Types of blinds by type of construction

Each type…


Added by Alex on August 10, 2021 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

10 reasons to hire or choose a marketer or marketing company

Are you an online store owner? Or maybe you sell equipment to different countries? The scale of your business is not important, but if you are not on the Internet, you do not exist. Therefore, every business owner asks himself the question: How to choose a marketer or marketing company and which is more profitable?

Trends change every day, but one of them remains unchanged - every year more and more people shop online. The world is projected to have 2.1 billion digital shoppers in…


Added by Alex on August 10, 2021 at 9:46am — 1 Comment

Types of cryptocurrency exchanges

Until relatively recently, the world did not even know that a new financial asset had appeared. It was cryptocurrency, bitcoin. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency powered by this latest technology are considered by many to be almost a cosmic gift. 

Whether cryptocurrency is a cosmic gift, or is it a product of the intelligence of an earthling, but cryptocurrency is one of the most profitable financial assets. 

Cryptocurrency can be mined on your own right at home, if you…


Added by Alex on August 9, 2021 at 1:17pm — 1 Comment

Bitcoin exchange

Bitcoin (bitcoin is also used) is the unit of account of a peer-to-peer payment system. The difference between the system is the execution of an electronic payment between two participants without the presence of a third (bank, government agencies), in which no one can intervene, forcibly make, challenge or cancel the transaction. The popularity of bitcoin has led to the fact that it is successfully bought and sold through online services. They are called exchanges, although technically they…


Added by Alex on August 4, 2021 at 12:01pm — 1 Comment

Pros and cons of using steroids, or is it worth starting a pharmacy? !! !!

Turning their gaze to the heights of Olympus, most of the human units inhabiting the bowels of the Kachkov basements and the palaces of ultramodern sports centers, watch with envy the daily existence and the blinding splendor of the celestials. Dripping saliva and snot, the young from their tiny world of everyday life peers into the distance, where their idols and idols with an epic scale, on a large scale and magnificently burn the time allotted to them and the remnants of mighty health.…


Added by Alex on August 2, 2021 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

What a beginner needs to know about rafting

Rafting every year is gaining more and more popularity both among experienced water tourists, who get many opportunities to go through more and more difficult routes, and among novice tourists who have never held a paddle in their hands, because in order to complete their first rafting, they only need to go through a little instruction. But in order to understand what water rafting is, you need to understand several main points of this type of outdoor activity.

A little about rafting…


Added by Alex on July 30, 2021 at 6:42am — 1 Comment

Watering rules for plants

It is well known that nothing grows by itself. Cultivated plants require care, one of the most important activities of which is their moisture supply. Adequate water is one of the basic requirements of all plants, and this is especially important during the summer. Water dissolves nutrients and trace elements in the soil and makes them available to plant roots as a soil solution. It is part of plant tissues; many crops are 95-97% water. Prolonged lack of moisture causes growth suppression,…


Added by Alex on July 29, 2021 at 7:51am — 1 Comment

How to protect yourself from online fraud. Practical advice

Internet fraud has existed for about as long as the World Wide Web itself. From year to year, cybercriminals come up with new tricks and techniques aimed at deceiving their potential victims. In this article, we will look at the different types of fraud and how you can protect yourself from them.

Unlike Internet threats such as viruses, Trojans, spyware, SMS blockers, spam, etc., fraud is remarkable for this: the attacker's target is not a computer whose protection needs to be…


Added by Alex on July 21, 2021 at 7:18am — 1 Comment

Ingress items. Ingress: how to play? Description and instructions

If you still think Ingress is a very difficult game for real nerds, then this text is for you. Do you like walks? Sai-fi? City quests? Do you have an iOS or Android smartphone? Are you looking for an excuse to get out of the house and meet new friends? Did you answer at least one question in the affirmative? This means you have to read the text. Put the device on charge, make sure that you have a mobile Internet connection and get ready for a real…


Added by Alex on July 7, 2021 at 7:21am — 1 Comment

How to make a decision when in doubt - 8 great ways

Today I want to talk about how to make the right decision, even if you are in doubt. This article is the result of my own tossing between yes and no on a variety of issues. And I suddenly wanted to share with you the methods that I use in my life. Some of them I came up with myself, some were taken from books or advice. I will not beat around the bush for a long time, I propose to go straight to the list.

Meditation "Forward to the Future."

When one day my friend asked me how to…


Added by Alex on June 26, 2021 at 6:48am — 1 Comment


Electrical installation of an apartment is one of the important stages of construction and reconstruction. The work carried out is aimed at the formation of an electrical network corresponding to certain parameters:

design load. The limits are due to the maximum power supplied by the service company. They can be increased by filling out the appropriate documents;

operational safety. Installation of RCDs and other equipment that interrupts the supply of current in case of leaks,…


Added by Alex on June 11, 2021 at 11:44am — 1 Comment


From its founding in 2011 to the present day, NSBroker has sought to popularize and promote the online trading industry across Europe. He fully copes with the task set for himself, because now this company is one of the leaders in the Forex market, which unites traders from all over the world.

The company gained wide popularity largely due to its excellent service and ensuring complete security for personal data and customer funds, which is very important now. Every day the forex…


Added by Alex on June 10, 2021 at 12:09pm — 3 Comments

You need a lot of money! Internet scammers and how to deal with them

Any crisis is a fertile time for scammers of all stripes to flourish. Human psychology plays into their hands. Right now, like most people, something doesn't work out, and suddenly, at arm's length, some string magician or "bank employee" is suddenly announced, ready to make you happy with free money. The Internet, as the best invention of mankind, alas, has also become the main channel for many adventurers. 

Fake sites

A well-known divorce, constantly adapting to the current…


Added by Alex on June 8, 2021 at 6:22am — 1 Comment

Helpful tips: how to choose a reliable online casino

With the development of modern technology, almost everyone has access to the huge entertainment industry. No matter where you live, you can immerse yourself in the world of excitement and try to “catch your luck” without leaving your own home. Today there are many online casinos, all that remains to be done is to choose the right reliable, interesting and one that meets all your requirements. Let's try to figure out how to do this in practice.

What to look for when choosing an online…


Added by Alex on June 7, 2021 at 1:56pm — 1 Comment

How to Choose the Best Package Forwarding Service

Choosing the best package forwarding service can be a little bit tricky. There are many different factors that make a big difference between package forwarding services on the market. Let me explain to you what can be tricky while choosing a package forwarder and


Pricing is the most important part, most people are concerned about. An offer of all package forwarders seems to be the same. You are going to pay for shipping via a specific 3rd party carrier, so why you should…


Added by Alex on May 27, 2021 at 6:52am — 1 Comment

Magento 2 - what's under the hood?

At the recently held MageC onf conference in Kiev   , Magento spoke about the capabilities of the next version of its platform - Magento 2. Since it was not possible to personally attend the report, we turned to the project's system architect Dmitry Soroka for comments.

- So, what changes has the new version undergone, what are the key differences from Magento 1.x?

- We did not aim to rewrite everything from scratch. The main task of the Magento 2 project is to fix the errors…


Added by Alex on May 26, 2021 at 1:31pm — 1 Comment

How to choose a painting for an interior and find the right place for it: 5 universal tips

Empty walls are one of the main reasons why the interior looks unfinished and boring. And the easiest way to fix this mistake is to hang a picture. We will show you how to choose the right one.

How to choose a painting by color

In order for the picture to look harmonious in the interior, make sure that it fits into the color scheme of the room. At the same time, the canvas can be made both in the colors of the room, and in contrasting colors, if they are combined with each…


Added by Alex on May 22, 2021 at 5:41am — 1 Comment

How to find and choose an escort agency?

First of all, let's clarify which escort agency we are interested in, VIP or the bottom of the market. Also, let's decide whether we are looking for an escort agency or we are looking for a job in this agency.

Advice on choosing an escort agency  (for him) .

VIP escort agency will never, I repeat, will never post information about a famous model or actress on its website.

If you suddenly see such an ad, you should know that this is 90 percent not true.

I propose to…


Added by Alex on May 6, 2021 at 6:38am — 1 Comment

Face and body treatments

Competent  skin and body care  will relieve you of imperfections and signs of fading. The even texture of the skin, its vitality, velvety smoothness and radiance is the main decoration that does not require virtuoso makeup. You can highlight your attractiveness with a trendy no  make up look  (less makeup - more natural beauty) . Unfortunately, not all aesthetic imperfections can be masked with decorative cosmetics, especially for acne, wrinkles, facial edema, pigmentation,…


Added by Alex on April 26, 2021 at 4:02am — 1 Comment

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