
Blog Posts

The Evolution and Impact of Taxi Services in Modern Transportation

Posted by Jane Maria on October 16, 2024 at 7:00am 0 Comments

In the bustling urban landscapes of the 21st century, taxis have evolved from humble beginnings into a cornerstone of public transportation. With roots tracing back to the horse-drawn carriages of the late 19th century, the taxi industry has undergone a remarkable transformation, adapting to technological advancements and changing consumer demands. This article delves into the evolution of… Continue

Sherrylu's Blog (428)

The Complete Guide to Greenhouse Grow Lights

We all probably learnt in school that plants need light to survive and photosynthesise - of course if you're growing outside this will come from natural sunlight...but what about if you're growing inside? That's where grow lights (sometimes called propagation lights) come in. We stock a wide range of propagation lights to help create the ideal environment for your plants to grow and thrive.

What is a hydroponics led grow lights?

Grow Lights are specially designed to provide…


Added by sherrylu on May 28, 2021 at 4:00am — No Comments

Does Cannabis Grow Better in Sunlight or Artificial Light?

Does cannabis grow better in sunlight of artificial light? The longstanding debate continues to rage about whether indoor controlled-environment marijuana grow lights or outdoor cannabis using natural sunlight is better. Each camp has its firm and devoted legions that have already made up their minds. The question is: Which one is right for you?

Natural Sunlight

There’s no replacement for Mother Nature. Sunlight has served the needs of our planet for millennia and shows no signs of…


Added by sherrylu on May 27, 2021 at 5:32am — No Comments

Hoe u het beste groeilicht voor uw kas selecteert

Waarom een kweeklamp gebruiken?

De meeste planten hebben licht nodig om te gedijen, omdat licht essentieel is voor fotosynthese. Zonder dit zouden planten geen voedsel kunnen maken. Maar licht kan ook te intens, te warm of te lang duren om gezonde planten te kweken. Over het algemeen lijkt meer licht beter te zijn. De plantengroei versnelt bij overvloedig licht omdat meer van de bladeren van de plant worden blootgesteld; wat meer fotosynthese betekent. Twee jaar geleden heb ik twee…


Added by sherrylu on May 27, 2021 at 4:54am — No Comments

Comment sélectionner le meilleur Grow Light pour votre serre

Pourquoi utiliser un Grow Light?

La plupart des plantes ont besoin de lumière pour prospérer car la lumière est essentielle à la photosynthèse. Sans elle, les plantes ne pourraient pas produire de nourriture. Mais la lumière peut aussi être trop intense, trop chaude ou durer trop longtemps pour faire pousser des plantes saines. En général, plus de lumière semble être mieux. La croissance des plantes s’accélère avec une lumière abondante, car plus de feuilles de la plante sont exposées;…


Added by sherrylu on May 27, 2021 at 4:53am — No Comments

How to select the best Grow Light for your greenhouse

Why use a Grow Light?

Most plants need light to thrive because light is essential for photosynthesis. Without it, plants could not make food. But light can also be too intense, too hot, or last too long for growing healthy plants. In general, more light seems to be better. Plant growth accelerates with abundant light because more of the plant’s leaves have exposure; which means more photosynthesis. Two years ago I left two identical planters in the greenhouse for the winter. One was…


Added by sherrylu on May 27, 2021 at 4:51am — No Comments


These standard LED light fixtures were the first type available for growing, and today, they’re still widely available. These lights contain a lot, sometimes hundreds, of small to medium wattage LEDs (3–5 watts per single LED) in a compact fixture. Cannabis growers sometimes refer to these as “purple” lights, as they often comprise a mix of red and blue LEDs that combine to emit a purple hue.

The biggest advantage of these standard marijuana grow lights is their price point. Most are…


Added by sherrylu on May 26, 2021 at 5:51am — No Comments

Utilisation de lampes de culture pour les semis ou les plantes d'intérieur

Les lampes de culture sont un outil incroyablement utile pour cultiver des légumes, des herbes et des fleurs à partir de graines à l'intérieur. Vous pouvez également utiliser des lampe de croissance plante pour garder les plantes d'intérieur heureuses et en bonne santé, faire pousser des microgreens ou même fournir une lumière supplémentaire à l'intérieur d'une serre. Les plantes dépendent d'une lumière intense pour la photosynthèse et vivre, après tout. Mais, par où commencer? Si vous…


Added by sherrylu on May 26, 2021 at 4:53am — No Comments

Kweeklampen gebruiken voor zaailingen of kamerplanten

Kweeklampen zijn een ongelooflijk handig hulpmiddel voor het binnenshuis kweken van groenten, kruiden en bloemen uit zaad. Je kunt ook kweeklamp kopen gebruiken om kamerplanten gelukkig en gezond te houden, microgroenten te kweken of zelfs om aanvullend licht in een kas te geven. Planten vertrouwen tenslotte op voldoende helder licht om te fotosynthetiseren en te leven. Maar waar te beginnen? Als je nieuw bent met het gebruik van groeilampen, ben je hier aan het juiste adres!

Waarom een…


Added by sherrylu on May 26, 2021 at 4:49am — No Comments

Using Grow Lights for Seedlings or Indoor Plants

Grow lights are an incredibly useful tool for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers from seed indoors. You can also use hydroponics led grow lights to keep houseplants happy and healthy, grow microgreens, or even to provide supplemental light inside a greenhouse. Plants rely on ample bright light to photosynthesize and live, after all. But, where to start? If you’re new to using grow lights, you’ve come to the right place!

Why use a grow light?

Plants rely on light to survive!…


Added by sherrylu on May 26, 2021 at 4:41am — No Comments

Using Grow Lights for Seedlings or Indoor Plants

Grow lights are an incredibly useful tool for growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers from seed indoors. You can also use hydroponics led grow lights to keep houseplants happy and healthy, grow microgreens, or even to provide supplemental light inside a greenhouse. Plants rely on ample bright light to photosynthesize and live, after all. But, where to start? If you’re new to using grow lights, you’ve come to the right place!

Why use a grow light?

Plants rely on light to survive!…


Added by sherrylu on May 26, 2021 at 4:41am — No Comments


LED grow lights are becoming the go-to for hobby hydroponic gardeners and for good reason. LED grow lights are overall more efficient and have a longer lifespan. There are now so many different grow lights to choose from. Here’s how to choose the right LED grow light for your hydroponic garden.

Determining How Much Light Coverage You Need

When searching for marijuana grow lights for your hobby hydroponic garden, you’ll notice they are grouped by wattage. LED grow lights typically…


Added by sherrylu on May 25, 2021 at 5:34am — No Comments

Les LED Grow Lights en valent-elles la peine?

Il ne fait vraiment aucun doute que les diodes électroluminescentes (LED) fonctionnent, mais à quel point fonctionnent-elles?

Entrez la diode électroluminescente. La technologie LED s'est révélée très prometteuse pour résoudre certains des principaux inconvénients de l'utilisation de la technologie HPS pour la culture de cannabis en intérieur. La capacité de manipuler le spectre, la livraison précise de la lumière, l'élimination de la chaleur dangereuse et le manque de composition…


Added by sherrylu on May 25, 2021 at 3:22am — No Comments

Zijn LED-groeilampen het waard?

Het lijdt geen twijfel dat Light Emitting Diodes (LED's) werken, maar hoe goed werken ze eigenlijk?

Voer de Light Emitting Diode in. LED-technologie was veelbelovend om enkele van de belangrijkste nadelen van het gebruik van HPS-technologie voor cannabisteelt binnenshuis op te lossen. Het vermogen om spectrum te manipuleren, nauwkeurige levering van licht, eliminatie van gevaarlijke warmte en gebrek aan substantiële giftige chemische samenstelling zijn enkele redenen om LED's in te…


Added by sherrylu on May 25, 2021 at 3:21am — No Comments

Are LED Grow Lights Worth It?

There really is no question that Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) work, but just how well do they work?

Enter the Light Emitting Diode. LED technology showed great promise to solve some of the primary drawbacks to the use of HPS technology for indoor cannabis cultivation. The ability to manipulate spectrum, precision delivery of light, elimination of dangerous heat, and lack of substantive toxic chemical makeup are a few reasons to deploy LEDs. However, as with any new technology, there…


Added by sherrylu on May 25, 2021 at 3:20am — No Comments

Are LED Grow Lights Bad For Your Eyes?

Have you ever seen what eyes look like after they've been ravaged by marijuana grow lights?

Yeah, me neither.

But that doesn't stop some from warning us all of the dangers and insisting we all need protective glasses.

What Types Of Light Can Cause Us Harm?

Any type of light can be harmful to our eyesight, if it is powerful enough. If you’ve ever looked directly at a powerful light source, you’ll know this (and hopefully have looked away quickly enough before any serious…


Added by sherrylu on May 24, 2021 at 5:14am — No Comments

À quelle distance les LED devraient-elles pousser les lumières des plantes?

De plus en plus de producteurs commencent à utiliser des lampes de culture, en particulier des lampe de croissance plante, mais il y a beaucoup de confusion sur la manière exacte de les utiliser. L'une des questions les plus courantes sur l'utilisation des lampes de culture à LED est de savoir à quelle distance elles devraient être des plantes.

En général, les lampes de culture commerciales doivent être à 12-30 pouces du sommet des plantes. Au fur et à mesure que les plantes poussent,…


Added by sherrylu on May 24, 2021 at 3:57am — No Comments

Hoe ver moeten LED-groeilampen van planten verwijderd zijn

Veel meer telers beginnen groeilampen te gebruiken, vooral led-groeilampen, maar er is veel verwarring over hoe ze precies moeten worden gebruikt. Een van de meest voorkomende vragen over het gebruik van led-groeilampen is hoe ver ze van planten moeten zijn.

Over het algemeen moeten commerciële groeilampen 30 tot 30 centimeter van de toppen van planten verwijderd zijn. Naarmate planten groeien, pas je je lichten aan om een ​​constante afstand tot de planten te behouden. De afstand is…


Added by sherrylu on May 24, 2021 at 3:56am — No Comments

How Far Away Should LED Grow Lights Be From Plants

Lots more growers are starting to use grow lights, especially LED grow lights, but there’s a lot of confusion about exactly how to use them. One of the most common questions about using LED grow lights is how far they should be from plants.

In general, commercial grow lights should be 12-30 inches from the tops of plants. As plants grow, you’ll adjust your lights to maintain a consistent distance from the plants. However, the distance will vary depending on the wattage of your lights,…


Added by sherrylu on May 24, 2021 at 3:56am — No Comments

Top 3 Reasons to Consider RED/BLUE LED Grow Lights


I am still a believer in the commercial greenhouse and I am still a believer in the sun. Most commercial greenhouse growers who are investing in light are only investing in supplemental light. This means that for much of the year they are not using their grow lights or they are only using them for a short period of the day. They are instead relying on the sun to provide most of the energy for the plants. This also means that the plants are getting marijuana grow lights…


Added by sherrylu on May 22, 2021 at 5:42am — No Comments

LED vs lampes de croissance fluorescentes

Que sont les LED Grow Lights?

LED signifie diode électroluminescente. Une forme d'éclairage à semi-conducteurs, une LED utilise une puce semi-conductrice, connue sous le nom de puce LED, qui transforme un courant électrique en photons grâce à un processus appelé électroluminescence. Une LED peut être configurée soit comme un émetteur à puce unique qui est monté sur une carte de circuit imprimé, soit comme un ensemble de matrices montées directement sur une carte de circuit imprimé, qui…


Added by sherrylu on May 22, 2021 at 3:30am — No Comments

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