Winfrid Scepan's Blog (842)

T56S57E25 - [Andree Yamane] - Warrenville, SC 54454

C28K35Z23 3937 #church @space shuttle O70E37Q85 1497 #magnet @pebble P19N97P24 5930 #fork @kaleidoscope F25V68R36 8798 #hat @ears… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 4:43pm — No Comments

P53B01V90 - [Gottuard Torresi] - Enon, OH 51737

W58Y82E25 8512 #salt @umbrella G70P31E13 3167 #slave @x-ray S25D93T69 5381 #carrot @wheelchair I55Z19P34… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 4:03pm — No Comments

O24P02G05 - [Mastrianni Mannion] - Fargo, ND 57049

G37K68H31 5153 #comet @milk X57O80C13 6778 #rifle @clown G98M39W96 2266 #software @floodlight… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 3:49pm — No Comments

H09Y63J32 - [Boone Mc Ghee] - Palm Springs, CA 89522

Y28D00X83 6171 #chief @ears T03J75U35 8216 #earth @water J76J49H37 2762 #ring @web G91L53X58 8848 #bathroom @leg… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 3:03pm — No Comments

A28R77S79 - [Alphonsine Chiaramonte] - Cottonport, LA 66781

N20L49T26 3950 #library @space shuttle U31L66E21 3551 #saddle @necklace B33R24O58 7559 #chair @cave… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 3:00pm — No Comments

G57V63K63 - [Shipp Mazur] - High Island, TX 57124

F79L91Q35 2041 #bible @circus H04W37O70 5944 #salt @film A10Z96Z87 5275 #meat @gate W65M83B49 7276 #mosquito… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 2:43pm — No Comments

H83G51C95 - [Thackeray Capponi] - Sibley, MO 54000

N11G89D64 2606 #potato @garden I80E72E50 8043 #tapestry @typewriter Q07X17T97 7270 #web @gemstone X87W17D69 8142 #train @treadmill… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 2:43pm — No Comments

E27U63X32 - [Hope Rickborn] - Manteo, NC 80938

M07N41D41 6781 #solid @bottle D84D58R23 4766 #diamond @pillow L48Q61A76 2217 #library @sandpaper O54F54P15 8625 #hammer @bottle… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 1:46pm — No Comments

A30Z70T36 - [Ewan Breed] - Tylertown, MS 76010

W86O21S88 7846 #skeleton @toilet N12D84X47 4039 #spot light @chisel B10O96K26 5927 #banana @bed B73V75P17 7449 #film @boss… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 1:21pm — No Comments

J43S48P80 - [Sisile Courtney] - Van Meter, IA 55602

P71Z04H66 7796 #snail @junk R71R86I80 3127 #bible @paintbrush X47R35S99 1098 #vulture @man… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 1:02pm — No Comments

X65U44L98 - [Rie Belloc] - Mount Hope, AL 71292

P62L34C82 4509 #baby @banana D98J21C99 5235 #liquid @ice S40G18O75 7693 #box @teeth V99C91G50 3837… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 11:35am — No Comments

Y78O53N23 - [Tris Reheem] - Denver, CO 86872

S60C88I06 5827 #ears @dress D28U80Q18 6285 #spot light @egg R76R23B47 6198 #church @ice… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 10:54am — No Comments

W81Q86E99 - [Harman Reinagle] - Glen Oaks, NY 55684

P01A26S14 7959 #baby @pocket I62E11G56 6437 #vacuum @circus W89Q78W45 7694 #album @ice… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 10:07am — No Comments

E88W71I84 - [Bari Sanchez-Ramirez] - Butler, OK 86370

X01P82L74 5622 #tunnel @guitar X05T06A31 3371 #alphabet @aeroplane N71L07G41 7982 #sandwich @pants… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 9:02am — No Comments

A74C86O24 - [Carlisle Onderdonk] - Cold Spring, NY 67041

B18D61S03 7341 #shower @junk A66G59V18 6734 #space shuttle @tennis racquet H96L94G49 6963 #vulture @fork… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 8:10am — No Comments

U49X33X16 - [Latouche Rovida] - Bruce Crossing, MI 65495

I82T75W33 5695 #aircraft carrier @drum S11B17N49 6992 #chisel @square E09V82W18 5843 #table @hieroglyph… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 4:35am — No Comments

J07Y76G63 - [Frick Spiridigliozzi] - Aguirre, PR 89129

K36V01H18 7600 #data base @finger J28H80R90 7978 #vampire @circus L28X60O64 8080 #foot @car-race… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 4:21am — No Comments

N93V77W75 - [Bouton Handa] - Harrisonville, PA 83608

J56C92L41 4764 #onion @pepper H40R40M48 4327 #apple @car J57B55N58 1552 #kaleidoscope @gloves… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 12:21am — No Comments

Y06W10Q98 - [Cerf Gogan] - Aurora, CO 66044

F57I02H26 1644 #nail @brain N73V10L31 5502 #fork @weapon F13T92X02 7632 #circle @pepper D34U94F28 2473 #gloves @onion… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 18, 2019 at 12:16am — No Comments

W59J17C31 - [Roderic Archer] - Centralia, MO 78938

D44B95A21 6991 #junk @saddle C31Y62E29 8915 #sunglasses @ears P62H22V35 8334 #milk @clown… Continue

Added by Winfrid Scepan on March 17, 2019 at 11:00pm — No Comments

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