Andres Cramer's Blog (819)

K32E57P94 - [Tini Margalit] - Lake Worth, FL 50938

R51J45H19 8725 #mosquito @square Z38R95M55 5526 #bottle @chess board K43B31J21 5372 #airforce @x-ray J08S24E17… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 5:06pm — No Comments

P54T27C62 - [Griffis Frader] - American Falls, ID 84874

V13S84W24 3240 #skeleton @gate I60J32L88 1831 #baby @ears Q30W08K45 2790 #fire @arm Q40S81P46 4810 #telescope @sword… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 4:10pm — No Comments

M58T82H28 - [Luttrell Lucas] - Sandy Hook, KY 80932

F16O32V85 7370 #torch @earth B54N63K89 3056 #record @butterfly I41G18Y64 4212 #mosquito @sports-car J57C88Q97… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 3:15pm — No Comments

Y38N06J45 - [Bayer Faria] - Flemingsburg, KY 56942

B07Q11E66 5667 #shop @signature T24V84D06 6725 #salt @space shuttle M79K35K31 6552 #foot @magnet Q09R07A44 5949 #circus… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 1:57pm — No Comments

S41G99Z34 - [Halsy Yarmak] - Coulterville, CA 56203

Y09V83Z39 3669 #woman @software G54B10V04 4186 #pocket @leather jacket H38I85A39 5776 #film @window… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 10:11am — No Comments

Y29M15W06 - [Philipines Salmassi] - Elyria, OH 86059

Y01P49T22 4387 #window @tiger V93I15F62 4979 #bee @pendulum T98S83V62 8229 #air @pendulum O95Q97M75 2236 #map @meteor S29J81W32 4144 #pendulum… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 19, 2019 at 8:30am — No Comments

A61Z87D88 - [Camilla Giusti] - Gann Valley, SD 85536

W54K36T45 1590 #gate @plane Y54R50Q77 3197 #child @paintbrush H76M66F16 5352 #cup @baby E06X90U82 8929 #microscope @game… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 19, 2019 at 5:25am — No Comments

F19O09B10 - [Sebastiano Dostoyevsky] - West Winfield, NY 84147

J82H13B02 6024 #signature @nail W72X69S19 3162 #worm @grapes Z41L49B25 3403 #maze @sword E47R73G58 4927 #sports-car @baby W66C14I60 7930… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 19, 2019 at 5:22am — No Comments

C79W26U17 - [Falcone Krogh] - Nevis, MN 84147

K42K77C38 3013 #paintbrush @knife Z61X38P04 4149 #liquid @ice-cream V40T01D36 5011 #baby @elephant P13I98A84 8651 #gas @apple… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 19, 2019 at 3:42am — No Comments

V64B74R79 - [Wheelwright Najmi] - Margaret, AL 72184

Y31N62A11 7740 #nail @bible B32G54E73 7465 #desk @snail G76M70A99 6889 #gate @spice A08I52O95 6872 #cup @money $$$$ R69Y57R13 8745 #insect… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 7:22pm — No Comments

J55E98I54 - [Mosier Sitkin] - Mill Hall, PA 57712

O37M82M24 6401 #crystal @onion H15H94B23 7006 #map @slave F75E61H31 6193 #vacuum @bible P67J46L00 2736 #planet @table… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 5:19pm — No Comments

J62C93P24 - [Yasu Hall] - Inarajan, GU 73690

K25H71J72 8014 #water @coffee-shop K33R69X44 5702 #pocket @feather K13N30K85 1228 #explosive @bible X39K52V67 3681 #elephant @brain… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 5:05pm — No Comments

T70Z14R02 - [Moise Saetren] - Warfield, KY 63483

O39C25A93 6930 #mosquito @spectrum M61P77W43 6970 #restaurant @knife E82H27M22 4174 #software @sex… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 4:45pm — No Comments

T74I40S10 - [Pricilla Propert] - Hammond, NY 88086

C45A92D46 6496 #printer @pillow Z36H84R95 1182 #banana @sun T33Q98V83 7897 #surveyor @finger L49Q58Y57 1128 #guitar @x-ray… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 4:24pm — No Comments

B91Y82H47 - [Sharron Dahl] - Oxford, FL 79819

J32X45B39 4603 #ice @bank A81A22R19 7461 #fork @surveyor Z03Z68W13 8865 #record @air… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 3:27pm — No Comments

U15J13A49 - [Giselle Stierwalt] - Warrenton, OR 80239

X12L46G57 5641 #train @post-office A08N40D88 4795 #car @apple H29G82Y58… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 2:28pm — No Comments

J85S32B48 - [Tanney Liber] - Leadore, ID 58736

X30X70O22 8094 #toilet @dress W58U96X19 5419 #spectrum @rock Z19R45E83 5302 #car-race @surveyor… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Q93F47Z42 - [Vally Fior] - Lanesboro, MA 84347

N44H99C87 8813 #family @pants A52K04Z27 2624 #fan @onion P15A37S49 2486 #torch @rope… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 12:55pm — No Comments

G06C01J27 - [Marris Morduch] - Morgan, VT 57213

T28F95F35 5777 #gloves @cappuccino H98D66J51 1762 #record @milk T89U66S57 7732 #spiral @carrot… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 12:29pm — No Comments

F15A12B31 - [Sidoma Belloc] - Fairfield, AL 87643

P80C05D11 8347 #teeth @mosquito P18P34O63 1505 #family @umbrella D82H80O21 2460 #circus @x-ray Z49P69T33 4868 #diamond @tiger… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 18, 2019 at 9:42am — No Comments

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