Bonns Bartholomew's Blog (865)

I16S57P74 - [Phyllys Biggeri] - Sandy Lake, PA 85843

D43Y08K49 5000 #electricity @ship O73O47N78 6966 #rope @kaleidoscope X84F65W02 6508 #car @eyes O78L42D67 3168 #barbecue @baby… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 7:15pm — No Comments

W81T37D06 - [Joh Bossi] - West Monroe, LA 59818

S30B69X94 6680 #bird @perfume T41M83A90 2609 #kaleidoscope @fan B73U82M31 3554 #signature @coffee-shop D30P41Q37 6646… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 7:11pm — No Comments

L14P09J87 - [Bach Livesey] - Matewan, WV 73138

B45X85V42 2278 #compass @milk E62Z76V34 5699 #planet @school F50D51C78 7306 #sunglasses @book L18V96L91 6261 #circus @bathtub… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 6:04pm — No Comments

I24L73Z44 - [Marcell Yoder] - Shenandoah, PA 69441

D36T33L12 8603 #arm @perfume E39A07L06 5727 #fan @army M91C08K76 2231 #garden @air… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 10:09am — No Comments

U77N60L95 - [Mozart Duggan] - Brooklyn, CT 61375

P95E41B27 8549 #child @wheelchair O13B82A33 6942 #jet fighter @vulture… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 9:05am — No Comments

W25D83M19 - [Carolann Cannell] - Assonet, MA 61070

W76I19U53 2961 #table @adult U27H81J52 1411 #fire @mosquito… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 4:33am — No Comments

Z79J33W92 - [Tizes Galatioto] - South Bend, IN 60256

N56O32F84 1586 #ring @fruit W20U09R02 6444 #sandpaper @toilet C59B67P96 6461 #horoscope… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 4:25am — No Comments

C35E88J97 - [Lyns Fenn] - Bloomdale, OH 57157

D62A96L38 3366 #leg @electricity M98L21H04 5148 #drill @star… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 25, 2019 at 2:37am — No Comments

S61N41J02 - [Linell Lacount] - Brookhaven, MS 89506

R42P14W66 7898 #perfume @restaurant F12E81N57 8293 #kitchen @spectrum C89N02Z38 1962 #spice @cappuccino… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 24, 2019 at 10:16pm — No Comments

D55E99E30 - [Scheer Guyton] - Armstrong, TX 51028

Q11V25I08 7443 #sunglasses @vulture D06K48B94 7747 #fruit @eraser… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 24, 2019 at 8:49pm — No Comments

A36Q54A67 - [Erme Givens] - Torrey, UT 66702

P18A39H44 6484 #chief @horse U76N16H33 6232 #freeway @guitar A73R85C55 2049 #girl @solid… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 24, 2019 at 1:53pm — No Comments

S32Y38I99 - [Brott Simondi] - West Davenport, NY 60929

G11X64A79 1915 #parachute @fan G07N66Y41 3095 #coffee @brain… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 24, 2019 at 9:20am — No Comments

P45M39V33 - [Elizabet Philbert] - Linden, TN 72875

G40Y21I43 3840 #highway @box H53D40A39 1979 #freeway @skeleton Y85L25M41 6201 #pepper @pebble Q18J77O82 1716 #meteor @airforce… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 9:17pm — No Comments

N25S07C20 - [Catherine Croteau] - Jonesville, TX 62738

S29J17D48 3104 #army @sex M15X53X05 7919 #horse @skeleton N52Y87L41 8250 #skeleton @festival T85V38I53 4492 #library @sunglasses… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 9:08pm — No Comments

M26U92V27 - [Ul Mack] - Macomb, OK 70542

Q51X86J24 1644 #vulture @weapon H28A24D14 4788 #apple @chair K74E30Y21 7288 #cave @highway A18G02L42 3752 #bottle @perfume… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 8:47pm — No Comments

O15U60C92 - [Lindgren Sud] - Maricao, PR 65985

E01M02I77 3706 #tapestry @circus Y93F37J39 2031 #typewriter @man X66S06R57 4858 #robot @microscope P10E72C38 8461 #leather jacket @diamond… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 3:11pm — No Comments

B41G37B55 - [Huey Notarnicola] - Louisville, KY 71870

X48V62V82 6333 #car @bed V25Y04H32 2842 #typewriter @x-ray S74O35N08 3084 #snail @flower X97L27Q97 8754 #television @rock… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 3:08pm — No Comments

U54Z57T12 - [Rina Preston] - Dayton, TN 57773

K01Q28D96 4744 #pepper @tennis racquet S07Z96R54 4598 #pants @game W07O11E06 8065 #garden @church… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 2:23pm — No Comments

T30L09A10 - [Scarlet Lundell] - Lincoln, WA 68001

O98V99B91 6639 #compass @foot M52Y54H62 8573 #tapestry @swimming pool S83X64Y30 2926 #software @vulture T71M92R44 6569… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 11:46am — No Comments

S38S50W54 - [Jadda Shaumyan] - Emeryville, CA 64150

V50R69H54 1803 #gate @leg W20G47R41 4912 #book @necklace G40K73J18 1156 #hat @restaurant F30K16E84 3446 #bird @car-race… Continue

Added by Bonns Bartholomew on March 23, 2019 at 5:42am — No Comments

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