
Rinaldo Pippenger's Blog (854)

J29A18O87 - [Goodspeed Quincey] - Vinemont, AL 67084

J56R22A84 6537 #snail @x-ray S10U62V28 4835 #radar @pyramid V58C75M38 3183 #adult @family F57Z61F27 2943 #sunglasses… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 23, 2019 at 1:55am — No Comments

L35X53C16 - [Bellew Balzac] - Boston, MA 83538

K33A25O41 5729 #space shuttle @microscope K37C14F50 6429 #tongue @electricity X07M59L40 1165 #vacuum @leather jacket B65V22W75… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 10:59pm — No Comments

U02V68E83 - [Darius Markowitz] - Church Point, LA 73772

L34P23M82 7126 #fan @table J30O31K51 5297 #button @leg J29B12S44 7134 #map @spot light B61T92R29 8594 #arm @rainbow… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 10:40pm — No Comments

U21H03O22 - [Rusell Dicesare] - Saint Francisville, LA 76644

U02V50T65 6886 #train @drink S37E32E85 2675 #bathroom @clock C56U42Z06 8045 #rock @spoon T63F39X28 6834 #weapon @knife… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 6:50pm — No Comments

E08P11Q24 - [Sheelah Rettore] - Brandon, VT 56902

P43F58V57 7523 #eraser @data base Q65E51W38 1326 #bee @wheelchair M24G19H59 3087 #insect @hammer S91K02R09 4164… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 5:51pm — No Comments

U87W46L58 - [Nadbus Bettman] - Wrentham, MA 70008

P49J32Z10 5033 #album @table W78N59T29 5783 #spiral @ring J11L66T91 2367 #slave @monster J38P47N25 2266… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 7:14am — No Comments

I19A43J91 - [Caron Squires] - Irondale, OH 85864

D05Q37B96 7385 #garden @rainbow O09E36S84 1671 #swimming pool @sunglasses F03R31T89 7815 #space shuttle @butterfly… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 5:09am — No Comments

H33D90T58 - [Perri Dobbie] - Renick, WV 85006

E73Z02R59 6507 #perfume @web Y84P31D69 7006 #carrot @dung K93J72Y23 2392 #book @fungus E57Q53F11 1528 #data base @arm… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 4:27am — No Comments

Q79V81Y31 - [Electra Campanelli] - Trinity, TX 74898

D64H52M04 5683 #roof @grapes L39N34B35 1923 #highway @kitchen G09N41X42 8820 #hieroglyph @drink O61E77W10 2231… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 3:38am — No Comments

C97H94D84 - [Leifeste Griswold] - Lake Ozark, MO 83648

O70T81I10 3134 #apple @slave M21R98P75 7717 #bridge @balloon L95W50X55 7115 #alphabet @backpack P47A08Z42 5981 #cycle… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 2:39am — No Comments

E54Y72M28 - [Cardew Proietti] - Middletown, PA 51534

R11X19D51 1143 #bomb @baby W99K02Y54 1474 #album @gate J09Y48D78 8090 #staircase @sun Q34R90J72 3368 #sphere @milk… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 2:07am — No Comments

L33K06N79 - [Sholley Seltzer] - Colebrook, CT 69390

T41F10K41 6318 #pocket @gate N40L59D94 5468 #pepper @baby V41G80Q76 3758 #sunglasses @ears R01Y39J75 4927 #church… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 22, 2019 at 1:28am — No Comments

T68I41Z71 - [Fulbright Keats] - Maxwell, TX 51189

L17H25K03 7494 #junk @god L61N12G24 1941 #banana @chess board X46R87J12 1162 #pebble @pepper Z16A17Z78 1926… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 9:25pm — No Comments

T50J11M52 - [Willey Suchoff] - West Baden Springs, IN 72422

F38D24L24 1277 #sphere @gate A48W90N68 5330 #computer @alphabet… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 7:04pm — No Comments

Y97N52T95 - [Lorusso Harder] - River Ranch, FL 60360

C04L10I87 6143 #bowl @rainbow H97T39U47 4465 #kitchen @compass F86K97F56 1083 #umbrella @freeway C34V27B75… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 3:11pm — No Comments

Q03U98E75 - [Onfre Stubbs] - Glen, NH 67909

O11X88O21 8956 #backpack @prison H86D87R39 6515 #cup @tennis racquet U02C97W36 6319 #train @dress G83V52O23 4582 #roof… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 2:44pm — No Comments

K02U74T02 - [Orianna Giannelli] - Sheffield, IA 85590

S08D81C98 8151 #rock @chief W46K95S57 8449 #rock @electricity E72Q65G59 3969 #spot light @pebble Y15K40Y31 3533 #church… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 1:10pm — No Comments

B68B02Y30 - [Ilona Gilles] - Matlock, IA 71746

T21G49E61 8399 #vulture @kitchen R60H84D47 1276 #circus @baby F63E06B47 3006 #perfume @gemstone F55Y90M74 3666 #car-race @navy… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 11:16am — No Comments

U41O91B74 - [Oakie Demple] - Round Mountain, TX 74890

I14T69Z35 2732 #staircase @map I63F99V20 2958 #staircase @bible Q49M33K46 1867 #coffee-shop @kitchen… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 10:13am — No Comments

C30Q31J02 - [Ezarras Winzelberg] - Joyce, WA 75103

A53F22Y04 8564 #ice-cream @bathtub R04P00I73 6971 #gloves @clown Y32Y33S39 5742 #radar @boss D80F09P97… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 21, 2019 at 9:18am — No Comments

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