Andres Cramer's Blog (819)

E01N73H38 - [Horick Depaul] - Center Valley, PA 51609

L76E30I97 2344 #meteor @junk C44D01K47 1192 #toilet @swimming pool V79C01A14 1682 #film @magnet W47A41W68 8990 #family… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 22, 2019 at 5:29am — No Comments

F66L43S81 - [Adolphus Granger] - Grand Forks AFB, ND 80338

H32S24I50 5903 #carpet @chief Y49S63P25 7869 #star @tiger Z93G13Z79 1532 #map @bridge A78D42O98 3432 #star @alphabet… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 22, 2019 at 4:32am — No Comments

C52F07U26 - [Loveridge Pei] - Waleska, GA 78652

U95I86C64 8108 #junk @coffee-shop I42N87W99 6750 #circle @liquid Y74P52K53 6348 #woman @child V43E09W90… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 22, 2019 at 12:57am — No Comments

Q95W97Y84 - [Win Thalman] - Conroe, TX 84303

J65I41P75 4330 #guitar @pillow E94K43L79 8259 #car-race @clock C63R40H14 5145 #clown @airforce K04G92P09 6013… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 22, 2019 at 12:29am — No Comments

I11L01N20 - [Robison Kupelnick] - Mariposa, CA 58421

W65M05M55 2373 #rifle @elephant J48I88Q42 7772 #spectrum @eraser O60B78C50 2379 #compact disc @tongue F75X78B75 4767 #sunglasses @horoscope… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 22, 2019 at 12:16am — No Comments

S04J66Z40 - [Grous Keul] - Saint Francisville, LA 62181

M94F71Y87 2865 #feather @television H47P45T24 1779 #hieroglyph @dress G74B88U68 3949 #ship @drink F97E39T53 1324 #square @chocolates… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 11:40pm — No Comments

E37W64S64 - [Winstonn Magagnoli] - Lee Center, NY 87071

G14F20V02 5136 #rocket @pocket H14Q69W09 1015 #album @map R40W04P08 3296 #prison @bed K63F49C01 8893 #man @egg… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 10:41pm — No Comments

D66O40F68 - [Rooke Dyer] - Watson, OK 54508

I02N35H01 4930 #vampire @gemstone J54C15P66 6545 #rainbow @hammer B70G58T85 6471 #ears @bottle Y90W89I14 1571 #fan… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 8:44pm — No Comments

C64T89L17 - [Jeanine Havel] - Pickens, AR 73688

H53K55D60 2343 #skeleton @game B75S68U26 7916 #drill @shop W97L95A41 1716 #bank @ears K02L55S32 5954 #tennis racquet @clown… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 4:48pm — No Comments

F92R93A59 - [Howell Mangan] - Evergreen, NC 73649

M98P34T69 6873 #spot light @typewriter Z47T64M16 2837 #knife @rope Q46V19K67 1188 #elephant @kitchen… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 3:32pm — No Comments

F99J29W25 - [Kizzee Gross] - Jensen Beach, FL 65066

W72L72U25 5045 #television @onion H12P75V24 2146 #apple @maze J22L54B26 6383 #software @map Q61G07B77… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 1:58pm — No Comments

V20V34B39 - [Jessie Hamming] - Perkinston, MS 62237

V60S41F44 5715 #bird @magnet Y52O77W92 5223 #sandpaper @train X12L07Y77 5880 #milk @mosquito P01V44Q15 2522 #mist… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 1:20pm — No Comments

K78T49Y07 - [Nador Urdang] - Park, KS 78170

S02E84T19 3058 #carrot @computer Z19Z49C86 6321 #girl @bowl… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 12:59pm — No Comments

L32F59W58 - [Cornelius Haworth] - Hudson, MI 50743

M74B56U66 6588 #sphere @torch V20E75T94 2689 #bee @star… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 12:35pm — No Comments

F92G69E83 - [Quince Obermeyer] - Alton, UT 64956

O54N88T86 2830 #milk @highway N87X81J26 1412 #tapestry @fungus R72W07C39 4015 #bible @bee F50Z18E80 3217 #needle… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 12:31pm — No Comments

H28F74A01 - [Mitzi Wilkins] - Jonesville, TX 89825

C17F95U81 7350 #leather jacket @bridge U81R25Y34 1525 #television @hose H16A20O20 7720 #wheelchair @chief… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 9:35am — No Comments

R98B64C28 - [Colville Pilbeam] - Millersburg, OH 81740

A02I60A36 2201 #spiral @leather jacket Q45H74B88 8580 #aircraft carrier @sandwich Q37P03R83 3210… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 2:49am — No Comments

F92I47M24 - [Lean Salhanick] - Wilmore, PA 55568

Z14C79B13 5986 #airforce @tongue G42Q01U57 1344 #button @girl N71K69J58 4501 #tongue @cappuccino… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 21, 2019 at 12:05am — No Comments

U74Y70N68 - [Elsa Valminuto] - Caguas, PR 70174

C45X64S61 6928 #brain @web T59H61D29 5657 #onion @car-race W57J66C67 7396 #finger @onion I01W77R66 1878 #earth… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 5:33pm — No Comments

Q22D78P50 - [Blayne Percy] - Sun City Center, FL 69733

Z26L40Q34 4945 #cycle @dung W43E32I30 5306 #perfume @navy W67Q47F71 2455 #coffee-shop @vampire V33X54F40… Continue

Added by Andres Cramer on March 20, 2019 at 5:08pm — No Comments

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