Roselani Pagano's Blog (832)

Q28O59I56 - [Dorcy Lindemann] - Seattle, WA 66353

G14U83P09 2938 #rope @web Q86I33X56 5665 #carpet @car S17T55Z43 2660 #passport @bottle H83V31X89 4884… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 21, 2019 at 3:47am — No Comments

C93O84S22 - [Muhammad Armour] - Murfreesboro, NC 86873

W37R35X65 5565 #backpack @kitchen J42R76F24 7381 #box @compact disc V82G52X25 3750 #airport @adult… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 21, 2019 at 3:44am — No Comments

Q84T94T94 - [Carmela Reece] - New York, NY 70121

E86D50U90 1182 #freeway @bathtub S55Y41F43 5556 #leather jacket @balloon N47V47W59 5166 #circus @button I37K75V51 6734 #surveyor… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 21, 2019 at 3:35am — No Comments

O26J28Q03 - [Pat Goffman] - Lake Arthur, NM 89113

W44D95K77 3586 #plane @telescope Z81I81R49 3197 #pyramid @finger A33W12S52 1282 #film @film I27S69D83 3474 #explosive @meat… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 21, 2019 at 3:03am — No Comments

T49P85X94 - [Luane Merullo] - Gill, MA 73060

O76P33X45 4440 #spiral @shower A19A33P72 8509 #clock @electricity L98A76N78 1479 #videotape @pocket S04C04F81 8288 #box… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 21, 2019 at 2:59am — No Comments

S34S64N62 - [Seraphine Hornsleth] - Sykesville, PA 61487

C33G92O60 2489 #grapes @alphabet C96R61P05 4087 #star @aeroplane Q08U00S41 4470 #banana @clown… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 20, 2019 at 9:58pm — No Comments

Q38Q82P55 - [Drusie Belash] - Collins, IA 65591

F42K93Z06 1688 #liquid @roof H78J07A85 7169 #hose @square Q73Q62G32 2238 #bathroom @perfume… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 20, 2019 at 1:35pm — No Comments

C85B80B90 - [Boelter Saxton] - Alpha, KY 86341

O67R39A10 1394 #sphere @finger P45B40S42 4297 #paintbrush @bathroom O07U84R88 8318 #finger @signature… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 20, 2019 at 1:31pm — No Comments

T17V25X64 - [Torres Littlejohn] - Adams Run, SC 85872

W57Q39P52 4430 #backpack @circus X59R08U91 2480 #fan @solid T47G88Y64 5338 #horoscope @chess board Z56C75P06 4412 #fork @album… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 9:41am — No Comments

T42D80A78 - [Foushee Hanteng] - Clifton Park, NY 87605

H79R87V84 4132 #drink @weapon J10Q58L52 6981 #apple @butterfly S86J05C51 2895 #sphere @arm B37W54S10 7197 #baby @nail W60E01M83 5812… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 8:18am — No Comments

H14Y93J78 - [Jennee Ware] - Fort Sumner, NM 72148

F49E77X02 5147 #cappuccino @army G85T51F86 4787 #spot light @robot I54N46H60 4188 #car-race @junk M87B82I58 8308 #compact disc @train… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 8:18am — No Comments

F69G78L64 - [Gemini Moore] - Marchand, PA 89547

I99N50B76 7177 #drum @man K46X16P58 7907 #bridge @box C30E89R89 5949 #ring @cave G40T94C04 4550 #bird @data base V11E43E71 4700 #rainbow @book… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 8:10am — No Comments

B18T07U49 - [Zeidman Gordon] - Earlville, PA 85457

F27M86Y26 3628 #torpedo @chisel M00K56D55 5354 #bee @post-office O02S29X52 3926 #sex @paintbrush U71S50P59 4937 #leg @treadmill… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 6:35am — No Comments

N61V45T80 - [Alain Buell] - Buford, WY 83556

S36S69U69 8393 #umbrella @guitar R87J85D51 2815 #sex @plane Q70R34P49 1602 #hat @brain F17R96C63 4982 #guitar @post-office… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 19, 2019 at 5:33am — No Comments

X45I47I65 - [Janelle Sirri] - Wilmington, DE 78386

S02C66A36 8577 #clock @girl X42V62W98 4203 #shoes @banana K26X25S63 6882 #tiger @pyramid A62H18R96 3926 #flower @fan A79J74N93 2922 #crystal @pocket… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 8:03pm — No Comments

O27H23E84 - [Emanuele Kurihara] - Grundy, VA 52064

I76Y61Z67 4704 #stomach @elephant M95D82W12 7166 #skeleton @record I47S98M28 1259 #mosquito @pepper D42R39D84 7930 #horse @child M56N01K05 8583 #sex @fan… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 5:54pm — No Comments

B88V74W79 - [Ellga Englert] - Alpena, SD 86564

A03A18T35 3892 #telescope @woman Y68X88F89 5403 #knife @signature O82O18D04 6069 #data base @planet E46P43D39 2940 #baby @game… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 4:47pm — No Comments

N48T35T51 - [Cari Caputo] - Wilsey, KS 83330

P51E70I96 5933 #tennis racquet @church Q16G46T46 1871 #carrot @leather jacket C26Q84Y79 6519 #toilet @pepper… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 4:13pm — No Comments

K97K59P37 - [Frederiksen Laity] - Pheba, MS 57687

R46Z05T35 1513 #sandpaper @bomb C27U25F64 5278 #pendulum @army P14J73R56 5093 #nail @tapestry W06A90N40 8067 #computer @kaleidoscope… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 4:13pm — No Comments

J14E25S27 - [Kenny Lacasse] - Whigham, GA 75792

F17J82Q85 8206 #space shuttle @necklace E55V01X13 5605 #drum @weapon M13I65A22 6527 #salt @rainbow… Continue

Added by Roselani Pagano on March 18, 2019 at 3:24pm — No Comments

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