
Paver Ambrosone's Blog (863)

X57R80E77 - [Philana Gilmore] - Surfside, CA 88064

V35N22A78 7299 #baby @bathroom S12A71V71 6910 #ring @shop I92L83C02 1355 #gate @tiger W86R41I15 1847 #family @arm A54I56I78 4021 #balloon @airforce S36S38I45 4490 #clown @ice-cream… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 3:34am — No Comments

Y31H71B39 - [Isidore Higbee] - Allport, PA 88203

Q54D63F20 2438 #leg @navy L85H43C51 7693 #salt @map… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 3:28am — No Comments

I79G05Q35 - [Kareem Vagts] - Merrill, WI 62546

I25A12M67 4016 #water @barbecue J80F72L97 3629 #ears @bridge E97M44E13 1535 #maze @shop Q63D15Z84 4179 #electricity @air J83I60F03 4620 #pocket @god R48B74Y12 7406 #bible @chess board… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 3:23am — No Comments

F87X06C02 - [Wylde Deramus] - Great Bend, KS 82511

G84E36W75 1695 #aircraft carrier @thermometer J58P96A71 3709 #worm @radar O07O38U35 2249 #leg @hieroglyph Y48I83J75 2857 #money $$$$ @leather jacket G82A54L39 5338 #fruit @knife J03Q27N76 2865 #freeway @weapon… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 3:06am — No Comments

W02G55N25 - [Melinda Dottin] - Ogunquit, ME 77283

Y41Z02L10 7612 #liquid @coffee P89Y26L69 5643 #circle @gloves… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 2:43am — No Comments

Y82D15D41 - [Tamera Flannery] - Tazewell, TN 85504

V32S84S99 2196 #church @prison L96K81Z82 8430 #snail @bathroom J61T94S64 8862 #gas @balloon… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 1:34am — No Comments

Y92M58X63 - [Catie Cunning] - Seaford, NY 79629

Z07N00N80 8285 #dung @chess board X00G13X84 7316 #square @highway O52K41B74 1169 #highway… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 1:17am — No Comments

O64N25Z63 - [Quintana Reali] - Graham, KY 78608

N71K58P02 4355 #tiger @sex A67S97W03 1981 #data base @compact disc Z67E27A50 5016 #chair @horse K38L15R55 8175 #water @milkshake B10G74Q71 4142 #barbecue @sex H98A30U25 4896 #table @milkshake… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 31, 2019 at 12:30am — No Comments

T37F61K71 - [Montfort Hegarty] - Columbia, SC 84252

O76F71L65 2876 #pendulum @nail Q59P28Y83 2447 #worm @aircraft carrier Z14G11S24 4173 #rope @potato… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 11:28pm — No Comments

H52F39W97 - [Idona Papacosta] - Sylvania, GA 72080

O41J78R08 3657 #ship @church B80P49C83 4962 #staircase @wheelchair G86T33B12 3471 #crystal @rope X89A81P30 2890 #airforce @sun B89S93S92 1359 #perfume @woman D19N39O32 2954 #table @grapes… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 7:59pm — No Comments

B57L69E64 - [Karalee Necipoglu] - Canton, OH 55580

X70Y98A33 6328 #radar @sex G91V34U72 6787 #bomb @torch D28Z97T17 4345 #bridge @gloves A22J51K20 1088 #kaleidoscope @space shuttle K33B84I79 8232 #vulture @elephant I73C46T24 4183 #rifle @hieroglyph… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 7:49pm — No Comments

L11X28I47 - [Rene Mell] - Santa Fe, NM 59151

V86I36O81 5139 #drill @flower J64S11G80 8728 #eraser @elephant X55H15B96 3817… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 4:40pm — No Comments

T81Q19L95 - [Kaleena Horlacher] - Carolina, PR 79127

V21N17B02 1806 #rainbow @ice-cream P65B53H52 3633 #money $$$$ @sunglasses K93T85Z18 4222 #leather jacket @electricity K67Q21Q20 7635 #god @pants H05V49M95 1451 #shower @needle S02O68Z80 3508 #thermometer @square… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 4:18pm — No Comments

Y58K75M74 - [Tartaglia Yang] - Salinas, PR 64966

M46N50M72 4995 #maze @plane C42T16O15 5628 #printer @record M37A02Z64 4586 #kaleidoscope @sword V87O59P98 2503 #sphere @pocket P57S29O98 3112 #library @army P47M20C53 1849 #bible @tapestry… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 3:55pm — No Comments

B09R54T91 - [Ruberta Mcclean] - Okaton, SD 78297

A65P19X59 6184 #airforce @necklace M96V39M43 4784 #triangle @book… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 1:14pm — No Comments

F62E84O36 - [Gotcher Lyng] - Decatur, AR 66787

M08T49W72 6660 #salt @rifle S70U08I32 3792 #guitar @pyramid J73K47Z83 5787 #bomb @bed X02X27W64 6790 #saddle @chocolates… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 1:09pm — No Comments

F40I53K08 - [Hawkie Lessi] - New York, NY 65841

A51Q94Y10 7936 #gloves @meteor K54B06C53 8361 #adult @rifle D66F57U50 5175 #passport @horoscope X78J30I26 6647 #gas @surveyor X42V43O88 5771 #ears @eraser V49L09I89 8171 #desk @cave… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 9:24am — No Comments

P21O78E01 - [Dempster Lambert] - El Paso, TX 67154

W43X78D75 6926 #navy @button H41V76U56 1849 #god @car-race X35Q00V54 8413… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 7:04am — No Comments

E40G59H79 - [Wilden Gelberman] - Kesley, IA 72150

G97A98M25 1605 #pyramid @satellite F91V93Z80 4432 #pebble @swimming pool E70P57A12 5987 #freeway @radar… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 5:18am — No Comments

I65D17W96 - [Jarrid Hollyer] - Splendora, TX 62521

P64Y52T00 8664 #planet @church Q04O39F06 4543 #freeway @drum W69T19L83 2814 #kaleidoscope @roof K70A82O84… Continue

Added by Paver Ambrosone on March 30, 2019 at 5:12am — No Comments

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