Randee Sawyer's Blog (809)

J77L30K76 - [Denice Luongo] - Lebo, KS 50919

O10W73M40 7993 #room @cave Y66S41A54 7880 #space shuttle @potato B44W11H49 4738 #film @spoon Z79E75E42 8608 #vacuum @leg… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 9:03pm — No Comments

O74Y08L39 - [Jessen Racugno] - New Point, VA 53119

B37O85M90 2247 #gas @torpedo Q24Q24V36 6567 #girl @sex A90W14B05 7080 #kaleidoscope @mist S18L35L93 2995 #chief @robot… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 8:54pm — No Comments

J14J07W60 - [Mooney Bertoluzza] - Judith Gap, MT 63333

H97W83M47 5687 #robot @ears S28X54Y54 2452 #slave @meteor X25H93A25 1292 #butterfly @gemstone B64J11H46 7168 #desk @rifle… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 6:55pm — No Comments

M62H96L56 - [Pani Patzer] - Abbyville, KS 58323

H51E97S14 1806 #circle @torch X50O78N85 2876 #bridge @water G49X49P91 2352 #coffee @weapon O59J31D96 7541 #salt @ice… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 5:34pm — No Comments

A23H99V93 - [Karyl Viglionese] - Port Mansfield, TX 72684

T43X69T05 8503 #teeth @fork A26B34S51 8470 #milk @sphere L99N87U06 3019 #bed @fire F11N24J61 1595 #circle @torpedo… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 3:00pm — No Comments

A07B27F16 - [Griseldis Mills] - White Heath, IL 80212

J35O63F97 2328 #cup @freeway G10K31J04 5482 #egg @kaleidoscope Q31L42P39 3545 #eraser @car G72L42D92 4003 #film @pillow… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 1:44pm — No Comments

T49Y10T03 - [Alpert Nowak] - Fayetteville, OH 74565

B62M55T12 5053 #gate @hammer H32K20V02 4938 #bathroom @monster K06Q87L67 7067 #solid @cycle U42O13J70 6883 #tunnel @snail… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 1:14pm — No Comments

C15Y34H07 - [Connors Ballesteros] - Coeur D Alene, ID 57371

T38O49W46 8831 #shop @magnet Z78Y10Z99 5083 #pillow @telescope M35B11T54 6636 #feather @hat Q68L72E03 7401… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 1:03pm — No Comments

D77G23U58 - [Jyoti Garonna] - Williamsport, PA 85562

F26N03C14 3893 #adult @magnet P77J97W59 7715 #drill @button F51B70W92 6985 #pebble @airforce S51U56G14 6429 #spoon @chisel… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 12:34pm — No Comments

V57S81U56 - [Jourdain Meek] - Pasadena, CA 78330

M22B32Q32 5290 #album @signature O61F73V22 2611 #child @vulture N64P03Y05 6709 #army @chief T97L00S05 6599 #foot @treadmill… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 11:57am — No Comments

P37H92F43 - [Deron Driks] - Weir, MS 69016

B29I07W75 3385 #game @sports-car V10A37E38 6089 #church @child H80T01X57 4411 #software @tiger S92Q10K66 7430 #robot… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 11:41am — No Comments

Q81H29X49 - [Cy ward] - Houston, TX 72529

Q90N99H82 5251 #toilet @navy C35G24E45 2627 #freeway @robot J10G17L10 4356 #earth @aeroplane K26E64V97 7541 #mist… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 9:04am — No Comments

P73G46E94 - [Beltran Newhall] - Ottumwa, IA 73326

V99R94J03 7362 #bank @snail J75T42F11 1247 #gate @torch F36U80Y94 2408 #meat @cappuccino T10B54A69 2976 #drum @bridge… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 5:05am — No Comments

C42L18J32 - [Gavrilla collins] - Beaumont, CA 60997

G16Q27F94 5469 #prison @garden J35Y47T88 2445 #airforce @comet O43A88T81 3766 #snail @square K58L84F95 4965 #window… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 4:24am — No Comments

M94P40W36 - [Harriette Etzkorn] - Webster, NC 57296

U90P70Z87 7265 #mouth @pendulum S02G11Q96 7953 #wheelchair @rifle X30D89T69 1612 #clock @button D40P52K59 8906 #bed @ears… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 4:06am — No Comments

Y62S61X95 - [Tann Sorensen] - Hanover, PA 88628

T05B91B71 2088 #arm @gloves O91C91T92 2616 #satellite @room J69X65K47 7653 #kaleidoscope @typewriter… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 2:07am — No Comments

A68A73F89 - [Elaine Mcneely] - Little River, CA 61873

D67G30S75 4047 #sandpaper @kitchen O74J45Z07 5193 #slave @knife U97E15G76 6237 #explosive @family L31M14B38… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 12:44am — No Comments

X86N47R82 - [Marieann Quinn] - Philadelphia, PA 53741

Q43K07D65 1606 #ship @coffee A10N41H86 7420 #meteor @tiger Y43R64N09 3579 #microscope @rock C86C08U81 7155 #spot light @apple… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 23, 2019 at 12:36am — No Comments

S36H92S84 - [Uriel Seneca] - Morganton, NC 78715

B50M64Q16 5897 #sunglasses @bed T91V53I36 5418 #compass @comet F51F26G66 1890 #army @explosive O17L49F72 4433 #shop @diamond… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 22, 2019 at 10:36pm — No Comments

L61M26G86 - [Puto Bachelder] - Greeneville, TN 75255

U71A85J69 4794 #family @box L90G25F82 5079 #chess board @aeroplane L28E11M68 8057 #pebble @bank G07V86M30 8204 #finger @passport… Continue

Added by Randee Sawyer on March 22, 2019 at 9:48pm — No Comments

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