Rinaldo Pippenger's Blog (854)

M21Q33A43 - [Bernj Callaghan] - Pineville, MO 51622

K84C33R77 7124 #train @solid I71M62J09 3281 #computer @backpack G09V61Y15 7448 #x-ray @banana J33I61L35 3374 #spiral @album F43B97Q01 7411 #plane @earth Y19A15Y05 7719 #freeway @fire… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 30, 2019 at 3:18am — No Comments

I30P06Z10 - [Irmgard Tan] - Britton, SD 87508

R05C70B27 2605 #money $$$$ @kaleidoscope U95M15Z30 5004 #prison @rifle U75B80M66 3614 #tennis racquet @surveyor C53Q49D84 3213 #fan @window C92U90D71 6945 #map @vulture E67W15V51 2756 #space shuttle @passport… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 30, 2019 at 2:35am — No Comments

T49Y42A62 - [Tupler Borden] - Bloomfield, IN 52202

H01L04R03 4424 #feather @restaurant D56Z69K74 8293 #school @navy H31D76J22 2183 #bomb @woman Y94K95X08 6762 #hose… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 30, 2019 at 2:20am — No Comments

P20N77P01 - [Roscoe Jaikumar] - Alexandria, VA 72786

N73G93S28 8045 #spot light @vacuum A28N52Y86 2786 #bowl @adult R73O01M69 7353 #sports-car @signature… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 11:37pm — No Comments

E77N88I85 - [Sheng Roca] - Bernard, ME 51059

H60G27S82 1636 #pepper @pepper W26V39L91 8444 #gate @table J32B42O00 2234 #salt @television E87E47P28 5997 #baby @hieroglyph B83B91D09 3761 #sandwich @bathroom M31Y23L57 6383 #brain @baby… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 11:23pm — No Comments

C34T27O33 - [Belinda Weisshart] - Leavittsburg, OH 64832

G02D15T42 3176 #stomach @mist K47N14D71 7622 #clown @army F50G20D86 5663 #star… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:45pm — No Comments

N62W82E77 - [Winthrop Bean] - Mentmore, NM 68823

V85O07Y91 5901 #liquid @treadmill U34D02M94 6763 #television @woman F04C78B20 7537 #satellite @data base… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:08pm — No Comments

Y71T67U09 - [Eppes Southey] - Kingman, IN 53618

P47Q20K71 5340 #cave @tiger G52B76G06 3499 #egg @software R59L66F42 8559 #parachute @film… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:08pm — No Comments

J66H09R51 - [Wesley Titilah] - Flatonia, TX 74790

G73F76I88 1498 #barbecue @fungus Y30Q72M26 5553 #gemstone @family B98I29B42 2348 #dress @snail Y98E66A62 2679 #clock @potato D66T04Q34 3711 #navy @fire O58G31H09 7051 #train @shop… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 7:35pm — No Comments

L55V02D98 - [Idzik Bovet] - Buckhannon, WV 58340

T02V51X18 8693 #air @potato J06G41G31 4028 #circle @passport I66A16S13 1083 #swimming pool @airforce Z04N78P04 6074 #book @bomb L60X63C52 7490 #game @treadmill R79G92R08 3723 #bathtub @arm… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 3:22pm — No Comments

G45I36U07 - [Fonz Band] - Dhs, VA 89653

G61O76S17 6939 #fruit @sunglasses V46J57Q45 6615 #rock @clock U88Q76V81 8435 #boy @bowl G48Y55K91 1542 #umbrella @church G30G20A43 6693 #electricity @chisel T74K76H37 3313 #ice @air… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 1:17pm — No Comments

N53K58C61 - [Orlov Dilworth] - Hammond, NY 55837

Y04C49H14 1754 #album @swimming pool R26D07M80 8783 #worm @radar L91T31G70 5749 #pants @circus Q34P50W31 2755 #film @passport F58A32Z86 7677 #telescope @church W68A34I42 5946 #dung @horse… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 11:56am — No Comments

E23A39X58 - [Keen Pesce] - Naoma, WV 50449

M01O75V54 1665 #library @foot V62U69L17 7484 #bomb @bird D61L10W62 8332 #circus @paintbrush I09U56O59 5246 #aircraft carrier @gas G48W53B87 7166 #banana @festival D92H58Y42 3834 #bottle @floodlight… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 11:09am — No Comments

I43G77I54 - [Analiese Kang] - Shenandoah, PA 64729

A41K65Z84 6544 #gas @fire S28U99I71 8816 #thermometer @torch C71S50E68 1500 #bible @liquid… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 9:49am — No Comments

N24K97T00 - [Manny Chayes] - Princeton, IL 88048

Q00I33A83 8723 #satellite @hose D11S82V40 2426 #telescope @bible D40N23M64 8230 #family @thermometer… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 9:17am — No Comments

V75N74Y99 - [Andria Bina] - Nyack, NY 81777

O68M04U12 7130 #alphabet @water E82B45X19 8597 #pocket @eyes K28K60B71 1639 #solid @web… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:39am — No Comments

W84H39O27 - [Clarhe Hoehe] - Chetopa, KS 54482

F93I04J25 7014 #dress @umbrella A62K89I88 1085 #toilet @circle W90U58B40 3506 #planet @necklace D64P58N84 3979 #chocolates @stomach A06M49Q09 6373 #clock @microscope C40N52B11 6171 #money $$$$ @jet fighter… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:32am — No Comments

U70L66R09 - [Miof Mela Monien] - Rancho Santa Fe, CA 50277

X36L07B02 7343 #water @clown T04H48G79 1092 #comet @needle E33K04I81 3025 #balloon @boy H00M74W73 5554 #gemstone @telescope J65T95S19 6245 #leather jacket @gloves K41F45N51 7242 #air @jet fighter… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 8:23am — No Comments

R36D92C39 - [Lotus Iwasaki] - Morrilton, AR 56856

D14C53H99 7185 #cycle @money $$$$ D40E86N77 5218 #adult @grapes… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 1:11am — No Comments

A54V63T85 - [Ridinger Leiker] - Keene, NH 84414

X81R20C80 4714 #x-ray @microscope A67Z90D68 3383 #umbrella @bathtub… Continue

Added by Rinaldo Pippenger on March 29, 2019 at 1:07am — No Comments

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