
Zigmund Reiling's Blog (843)

C29E92Z28 - [Thornton Deluca] - Mammoth, PA 86141

B61L82Q74 2157 #bed @vacuum Z09N60F12 5592 #school @dress C75G83T52 3305 #album @coffee-shop T87F39K93 2413 #woman @library V04D15U13 2809 #restaurant @feather W20E10S55 3221 #television @shoes… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 7:14pm — No Comments

Y78H42F63 - [Lorain Perlis] - Tucson, AZ 67550

I69B81P45 2347 #meat @finger W68M35C33 7736 #mouth @spectrum A16G62O20 8391 #boss @cave Q86Y73B21 6359 #aeroplane @church F68E44T99 4510 #microscope @comet U15P69A67 2750 #planet @girl… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 6:40pm — No Comments

O31N95U78 - [Crandale Stoltzfus] - Pennsauken, NJ 88196

T71M97Z18 8137 #torpedo @drill G78N01K27 4395 #sphere @needle F12I81Q52 8952 #salt @telescope Q57A81E23 4929 #triangle @star H46T74P38 7142 #saddle @space shuttle R58P09N23 6760 #cup @apple… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 4:59pm — No Comments

W92C79V87 - [Leola Markandya] - East Wallingford, VT 63073

M27C07U56 4016 #hieroglyph @rifle D92U77T85 2509 #salt @coffee R24N22T48 3097 #window @roof F76L07N80 2974 #bed @film A01K03C26 7923 #church @clock L31R62D56 3740 #ice-cream @balloon… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 4:58pm — No Comments

P14I78L90 - [Bac Koyfman] - Ashland, PA 61853

V82S01Z79 4197 #arm @umbrella D54G08X80 2073 #cave @fan Q71W76Y19 7956 #star @space shuttle A91I59T67 3967 #chisel @jet fighter E46X75X43 1511 #worm @computer F39J00T12 6034 #chocolates @water… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 3:01pm — No Comments

N62E01S22 - [Morrill Rishikof] - South Beloit, IL 79164

X51W73U39 5833 #air @electricity I75V53W84 5413 #data base @ship J30Z53J04 7546 #shower @television W47G77C58 8602 #barbecue @girl C39U19H51 5511 #pillow @bible I29V03Y30 7999 #cappuccino @torpedo… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Q51P18Y64 - [Burbank Frothingham] - Lena, LA 86344

Y13L26X29 1818 #brain @feather A33O93J47 4056 #car-race @prison T48G00K03 6048 #gate @hieroglyph… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 6:50am — No Comments

L46C59Q65 - [Wales Player] - Peterborough, NH 68166

W65A34T80 7923 #mouth @banana R16B39W50 4417 #treadmill @teeth J69E80E12 2764 #weapon @junk M00K65A14… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 5:22am — No Comments

H77X14P20 - [Urbannai Roegner] - Anita, IA 69198

N74H88S99 7176 #triangle @nail B97P53O06 6313 #tiger @aeroplane Z39S94W48 8565 #television @milk… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 3:53am — No Comments

G30J73Y29 - [Marcell Fleck] - New Rochelle, NY 51443

K48C96I05 7358 #car @adult W16T08C40 8712 #solid @mouth C52Q90R12 4250 #clock @bible M87E12M40 8561 #car @fruit… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 1:17am — No Comments

B53Y67I03 - [Janeva Woodhead] - Trenton, NJ 67932

D43H49H23 3230 #data base @spice W15J87T57 5261 #chair @highway W17E52A64 2897 #drum @printer V46K99Z00 5423… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 30, 2019 at 12:16am — No Comments

M97W93N87 - [Karissa Williams] - Bradenton Beach, FL 81183

I19T33Y20 6442 #space shuttle @church W51R37H29 6434 #school @hose A50Z83B36 8754 #flower @church… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 9:39pm — No Comments

E50E42Q82 - [Eleni Zapata] - Ulysses, PA 58030

T84J16C19 8134 #maze @gate N04K35L23 8506 #tapestry @snail N18K39W73 5375 #cup @web A76C62B91 3282 #pyramid @god M41N26C49 4536 #circle @web R97T16F93 5327 #hat @solid… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 9:29pm — No Comments

I54H15G66 - [Kath Piediscalzi] - Sedalia, OH 68436

F97P74T37 4142 #parachute @bathtub J44K58O99 5836 #baby @pyramid Y61G47B28 5742 #radar @roof M35S15A99 5765 #necklace @guitar T08C48A26 6496 #baby @car-race Z39O24E85 5287 #microscope @girl… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 7:37pm — No Comments

O60P18D22 - [Birch Beder] - Warren, IN 66250

Q80Z26W95 8629 #clock @bowl C35L46M53 1873 #bee @bed D03X53H34 4139 #shower @library… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 7:11pm — No Comments

I80R22B71 - [Pat Weissenberger] - Russell, PA 59217

I40A26W32 6960 #button @signature J54H48V03 2945 #toilet @square H39X91P37 6941 #junk @sun U43M12N32 7220 #balloon @x-ray E56Z94F63 3276 #ice @fungus V89Y60S46 6223 #nail @ship… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 10:18am — No Comments

N86M75B05 - [Terhune Pagani] - Manheim, PA 56169

Q74C57E36 3289 #signature @library T28E95F09 3526 #pants @saddle G93B88U24 8286 #table @comet C48Z79H24 2125 #bible @bible D28Y31L92 4891 #coffee @god W68K39E45 7290 #skeleton @airforce… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 8:24am — No Comments

F75S34G11 - [Worth Macky] - Atlantic Beach, NC 62298

Y01A24S35 8181 #drum @mosquito S76M93P01 6528 #data base @mosquito J32P57N05 8052 #fruit @finger… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 6:40am — No Comments

P12F15K51 - [Lear Trakimas] - Saint Paul, MN 82960

Z47R60H30 4640 #eraser @sphere H75A72R14 6050 #baby @chocolates T88G74G86 1675 #egg @bomb… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 6:26am — No Comments

D57Y42T24 - [Brote Buzzell] - Onida, SD 87840

T59S55D33 8621 #rock @pendulum W93O88X61 6389 #man @sphere N23Y62B14 2456 #hieroglyph @vampire… Continue

Added by Zigmund Reiling on March 29, 2019 at 1:44am — No Comments

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