
Lance Dfini's Blog (844)

Y19M22S32 - [Maxma Champlin] - Delbarton, WV 65532

M37J75H49 4694 #teeth @liquid Q92F78T84 2277 #x-ray @telescope V15V72A05 7711 #toilet @boy… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 11:57am — No Comments

P14X20W69 - [Rob Blew] - Islamorada, FL 50288

N83A27J67 8846 #carpet @torpedo S16G33H57 7162 #teeth @rainbow H44C56F61 4020 #post-office @grapes… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 8:17am — No Comments

L11T06M37 - [Tine States] - Havelock, NC 58890

P77Z43F71 3113 #square @stomach F17G85M55 8764 #electricity @electricity W09P81S94 8229 #game @rocket T30V34J35 7856 #school @data base S42B39M31 7219 #gate @tiger D72T04I11 4627 #horoscope @signature… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 7:01am — No Comments

S74O98G27 - [Aurel Sirri] - Salt Flat, TX 58079

Q97F17R68 8276 #needle @clown Q43Z30P15 5091 #drill @spot light F85P93H99 3885 #horse @chisel Y54W36A83 3199 #liquid @bathroom Y00W08R53 6194 #flower @butterfly O30I04R84 1798 #pyramid @kitchen… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 6:53am — No Comments

R23T08M17 - [Windzer Meier] - Hot Springs National Park, AR 81951

Q52K22G88 4603 #skeleton @coffee-shop L63P45I86 6044 #money $$$$ @teeth B73O06O75 2707 #restaurant @sunglasses… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 5:00am — No Comments

I18F13K47 - [Addiel Koh] - Florissant, CO 89327

B34H67E14 1235 #compass @rifle C75B47V28 1987 #tongue @meat L83Z65C96 6098 #flower @staircase S55L12W30 6166 #jet fighter @pepper I95M08C84 5111 #data base @ears J91F81R26 2303 #radar @dung… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 3:24am — No Comments

M58S80P62 - [Buzzell Galileo] - Tyler, AL 76998

D18W08B09 7013 #backpack @electricity V44H47W86 9000 #carpet @bomb W91T79E24 1824 #baby @roof F21P34X70 6678 #skeleton @teeth Z59O67I94 1571 #rock @bomb S10Q45B59 5225 #girl @guitar… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 2:31am — No Comments

I18A46H91 - [Laura Chabris] - Eureka, MO 66355

F15I83I13 5676 #circle @game Z08B03O50 5547 #air @car-race L21C23D63 4636 #navy @planet N09U96L68 8758 #nail @drink U28F74C19 3146 #church @bottle U74M24R97 7569 #butterfly @carrot… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 31, 2019 at 1:29am — No Comments

L77M04U42 - [Alena Johansen] - Kane, PA 83022

Z17V39F02 3956 #meteor @spot light J09O97A51 6649 #clown @milkshake G98K43G49 4713 #post-office @spiral… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 11:46pm — No Comments

W70R28I30 - [Gwenneth Juda] - Willow, NY 86265

V27P30N61 3621 #cappuccino @teeth A82Q65B02 2359 #fan @pendulum I91W93Y18 2498 #balloon @junk… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 10:54pm — No Comments

N03S67V95 - [Lib Rosenbloom] - Cove, OR 57271

G99F55P54 8809 #pillow @feather N01L18J55 8299 #horse @pebble W82T55M51 1654… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 10:50pm — No Comments

L52E32Z24 - [Vadim Mcclellan] - Grand Tower, IL 81406

B64N40H23 6658 #vacuum @car-race L90I83F34 4839 #skeleton @rainbow W10Z60W27 8964 #junk @child Q56Q41W16 6525 #hose @gloves O62Z37C94 2628 #software @grapes H35K66W87 8782 #parachute @rocket… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 10:46pm — No Comments

E95F57Y62 - [Spiers Dubois] - Manati, PR 88361

N64A34Z43 7372 #god @signature W32Y50J30 7989 #floodlight @eyes… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 10:39pm — No Comments

V17H88H76 - [Abbottson Elwell] - Berlin, GA 87454

M77M94W00 5772 #boy @gas Z04P44Q87 8177 #microscope @cappuccino G46T24U99 4154 #freeway @car O42N27N73 3696 #shoes @tiger R58H94Z35 6196 #game @vampire Q29W03W66 6678 #junk @sunglasses… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 8:20pm — No Comments

Q52X71A44 - [Cassella avila] - Ponce, PR 78429

Z18U30D83 8606 #bank @mosquito I26Q36J75 1391 #insect @computer P32G43K49 2498 #film @jet fighter… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 5:53pm — No Comments

W04Q42Z50 - [Olney Lehrhaupt] - Prairie City, SD 56740

N68A82O71 8066 #saddle @apple C49A23J13 4451 #knife @train… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 5:00pm — No Comments

M17H35U09 - [Wales Messerle] - Pine Mountain Valley, GA 73538

O41W11N85 7396 #boy @fruit L36A07A20 6958 #box @mist B27I06A42 8675 #worm @sunglasses I67G78J59 3752 #mosquito @leather jacket N56O41S95 4074 #planet @bee L03A01B11 5883 #jet fighter @magnet… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 4:53pm — No Comments

V04L19I32 - [Tyika Carlli] - New Cumberland, PA 51773

A74Z55V98 6501 #cave @bomb Q13R20O13 4612 #salt @foot P88F44E64 5101 #potato @leg K51N81B53 1332 #record @rocket… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 3:59pm — No Comments

A19P12T47 - [Shayla Kovitz] - Rural Hall, NC 60121

J96Y26S46 7618 #fire @pepper U71L77O64 8288 #robot @flower F25K27Z38 4821 #bottle @horoscope A88L87J90 1543 #slave @car D22V60D83 2255 #eraser @worm U41F14K22 4897 #compact disc @car… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 3:13pm — No Comments

G62W43P14 - [Cal Ascher] - Robinsonville, MS 81103

T57F88S86 2672 #gloves @sphere B52V98P05 7991 #fan @hose P66E33G77 3596 #microscope @saddle Q70Z63K59 1409 #tiger @water N96W55K68 8717 #meat @compact disc M99B22Y43 2177 #radar @surveyor… Continue

Added by Lance Dfini on March 30, 2019 at 1:46pm — No Comments

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