
Lulita Bruzzone's Blog (806)

Z49H29E99 - [Faith Gennari] - Buras, LA 72443

N14Y21N21 3273 #barbecue @sandwich B23J76W51 5477 #dress @jet fighter N93Q63I24 1434 #adult @milkshake W37Q07C79… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 3, 2019 at 10:19am — No Comments

U15B10Y09 - [Cedell Tremblay] - Traer, IA 71205

O15T88G11 4315 #hammer @pillow X41I09V50 2146 #drill @army P83N45L26 6174 #mosquito @vacuum W41M00R18 5934… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 3, 2019 at 6:09am — No Comments

T85Y06Y08 - [Bluhm Mclaren] - Vienna, MO 70224

S48C06O93 5745 #church @prison P48Q47U07 8975 #aircraft carrier @earth C79T99C45… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 3, 2019 at 4:59am — No Comments

A57G46Q83 - [Odel Mccullough] - Chambersburg, PA 71402

I91Q39K20 5255 #stomach @salt Y40R90X00 3092 #needle @triangle G97S42Z75 5651 #sandpaper @fan F41D96Z28 6691 #book… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 11:38pm — No Comments

U65J35C61 - [Cerveny bryan] - Chalmers, IN 88163

P80Z11S12 6738 #gemstone @dress R93C12H83 4459 #pyramid @coffee… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 11:03pm — No Comments

J45G92R38 - [Vilhelmina Nobile] - Elkader, IA 67569

Q70A79O42 7876 #diamond @rock Y48O37T38 2893 #surveyor @vampire… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 10:30pm — No Comments

X66C32K27 - [Gale Bolthausen] - Pasadena, CA 62387

C10K77A23 3896 #pillow @diamond O80Q44J74 5418 #bank @bank A52H84U71 7030 #kitchen @boy S95K24K81 3919 #boss @vampire… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 9:22pm — No Comments

O19L41I31 - [Jordanna Seeley] - Otley, IA 80120

O82H16P24 4508 #nail @kitchen E40P74G95 2085 #perfume @treadmill P17Q16T21 7636 #earth @dress Z09J75F68 5284… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 6:42pm — No Comments

F02X33P20 - [Kataway Dick] - Bayamon, PR 70341

Q35F81V26 5309 #bed @highway X31W76W58 5191 #passport @bible N09D13T06 7111 #bank @knife K11T20L04 1902… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 5:30pm — No Comments

B68Q29L51 - [Elisabeth Kortylewicz] - Holliday, TX 55871

R45Q02R70 7737 #car-race @rifle X37J18T62 7513 #spoon @spice N93L27R73 1729… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 1:47pm — No Comments

F26U21V04 - [Grinnell Moreton] - Howell, NJ 53171

W69U88L65 7184 #sphere @library W74D49I02 6687 #church @triangle B94R55E95 2758 #drill @ice… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 1:04pm — No Comments

M13V91W18 - [Graniah Denman] - Lincoln, ME 67462

O63N55D15 1948 #floodlight @film S27Q16Z97 4794 #tennis racquet @software… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 12:28pm — No Comments

H37H01H32 - [Orola de Balzac] - Lenni, PA 56850

E09I53B85 6194 #thermometer @bottle Y86L73T05 2128 #freeway @bed Q71D07Q79 3590 #ship @money $$$$… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 9:27am — No Comments

U48F89F08 - [Hoag Nirenberg] - Cabo Rojo, PR 58429

E64R36V78 1670 #magnet @kaleidoscope Z50V92O25 6589 #ice @family G34O14N66 7253 #game @church Q53A16L82… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 2, 2019 at 9:17am — No Comments

P13U87W33 - [Oribella Sorensen] - Rivervale, AR 76722

U29Z60M19 2502 #pillow @carpet X58C92Y99 6537 #bible @thermometer K15Z86O68 1771 #wheelchair @ears… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 1, 2019 at 9:12am — No Comments

T02P79N14 - [Erine Carini] - Bowman, ND 68317

T43L86G52 2742 #prison @fire A46F74J75 7278 #pepper @ship… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on April 1, 2019 at 8:28am — No Comments

H38S21N36 - [Carlotta Kotelchuk] - Josephine, WV 57481

I90Q23B49 2014 #airport @leather jacket Q75L51F50 2130 #woman @x-ray A02Q93N03 8451 #potato @clock J71L17X20 3826 #sunglasses @hammer A64J40Y91 8913 #room @sphere K79F41Z13 4210 #diamond @pants… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on March 31, 2019 at 11:39pm — No Comments

G96F90J95 - [Greenebaum Langer] - Coamo, PR 50574

I57P06P84 7714 #sex @church A96B73W41 5058 #nail @sports-car J02Z25B09 5365 #leather jacket @film H80J05Z42 4912 #tunnel @monster R54Y80W82 3286 #thermometer @stomach J16M07V69 6992 #circle @game… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on March 31, 2019 at 8:30pm — No Comments

W70U10A51 - [Kasper Wucherpfennig] - Waynesboro, PA 57642

P16X12U65 5163 #tiger @roof Z86X12F09 7370 #banana @needle G59K95G47 1128 #alphabet @typewriter Q38C03T42 2747 #table @milkshake W90F45P99 1199 #vacuum @school M31K53U76 6413 #typewriter @rope… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on March 31, 2019 at 8:07pm — No Comments

B31J01B45 - [Calondra Lillvik] - Madison, VA 78215

M24X88V47 5888 #signature @rocket P53B41E00 4660 #dung @desk B02Q05M46 6895 #car @family G67S73K61 3687 #worm @milk A40B08H96 2356 #plane @butterfly Q29I90Z69 7661 #spiral @needle… Continue

Added by Lulita Bruzzone on March 31, 2019 at 7:37pm — No Comments

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