
Gottlieb Generazzo's Blog (793)

O47M13Y58 - [Douglass Resch] - Miami, FL 80373

R84Y29G05 6146 #insect @horse C15Q85D02 2767 #salt @bird U54W53V29 2424 #fan @car U66V97G09 8999 #pocket @cup… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 2, 2019 at 12:12pm — No Comments

M16P33O02 - [Reyna Tsukurov] - Beloit, KS 57004

L39Z36I45 1127 #software @web E75C24L00 6255 #leg @bottle W47O39D75 3595 #solid @hammer J37W76A15 3303 #salt @eraser… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 2, 2019 at 8:18am — No Comments

Z24G53H46 - [Bertine Soliani] - Bloomfield, IN 66861

R18S50I47 8372 #pendulum @coffee-shop H96A55B47 4132 #saddle @planet K80D02R31… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 10:26pm — No Comments

Z95Z10Z88 - [Akel Carasa] - Ogdensburg, NY 81247

S85N55N76 7953 #dung @nail C75Q98B03 3946 #leather jacket @toilet… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 10:03pm — No Comments

T97H42Z75 - [Garwin Darosa] - Harrisburg, PA 52748

X30N36K94 1628 #foot @tongue F65X40Z69 6255 #girl @army F53R22H93 8464 #sandwich @diamond… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 7:44pm — No Comments

U42K44V91 - [Weight Chase] - Zellwood, FL 61211

I93T88X11 7676 #prison @aeroplane M35E47X82 2442 #hat @barbecue X32K43R98 1820 #bottle… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 7:03pm — No Comments

B56L97Z76 - [Ellwood Sheffels] - Louisville, KY 67833

S69G49G41 4232 #printer @cup Q02O30N72 1798 #backpack @tongue C74H11F31 7022 #salt @album… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 6:08pm — No Comments

Z38R84U96 - [Phillip Moustaid] - Leola, AR 79258

S07R90H84 1110 #girl @square N89Z36K40 3752 #circus @potato E33L73B90… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 4:38pm — No Comments

F77E90V87 - [Jenette Soccorso] - Harris, IA 71898

D09Y61F64 6518 #coffee-shop @bathroom I18M28E59 8135 #hammer @desk T62X41F36 7375 #monster @bank G11H45Z44 3978 #fan @dung N09X28P18 5002 #compass @hammer G73N87I55 6965 #cappuccino @drink… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 3:50pm — No Comments

G26J78D70 - [Dardani Zeckhauser] - Saint Henry, OH 62577

F78G53L25 2587 #dress @skeleton O72B61P31 8957 #salt @bible N37B91A51 5457 #gemstone @milkshake… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 1:03pm — No Comments

O32R40C35 - [Concepcion Connor] - Saunemin, IL 53540

L86J52D51 4087 #teeth @prison B26G21G78 7653 #wheelchair @chess board N69R14H97 6494 #fungus @pillow T96I42P16 7043 #drill @monster W58N88Q92 6393 #jet fighter @leg A73K72L78 5209 #mouth @roof… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 11:18am — No Comments

D69Y06K33 - [Carlina Belloc] - Falls Of Rough, KY 79155

O86W61B65 2148 #fruit @carrot L49F79Y35 1306 #perfume @alphabet P35J52E29 6611 #garden @fan… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 11:00am — No Comments

B54F37O65 - [Maise Boodram] - Reading, PA 71992

W13T83J06 3498 #school @worm B75J15T49 7174 #ship @clown G11I03O88 5631 #shoes @compact disc X81J35B31 7815 #bomb @dung E59Q99J56 4249 #coffee-shop @baby Q19F42E99 6504 #ring @window… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 10:23am — No Comments

J98D56L93 - [Liddie Ottile] - Cairo, GA 63468

Q21X14D96 1278 #mouth @treadmill Z25C08W29 7248 #bridge @bottle N60M05L31 2351 #ice @shoes W29T37F52 4697 #aircraft carrier @radar C54Z78O48 8685 #drum @pocket M68J06I09 3677 #brain @comet… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 10:12am — No Comments

K16C45A70 - [Laux Caine] - Nags Head, NC 70174

H87T94S24 2669 #kitchen @teeth A10J32T57 6251 #drill @army V75Z69Q77 8524 #school @circle W91O67V89 2943 #monster @hieroglyph B80H98J72 6048 #carpet @chocolates V12M42L17 1173 #software @space shuttle… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 9:54am — No Comments

V48Y11A18 - [Schild Martelli] - Delmar, NY 70140

B17X71S72 6663 #hose @signature V79I53Y93 5044 #gloves @liquid U59W10L96 7429 #box @chisel W44S31R28 1860 #salt @stomach G05C91A26 2863 #bank @eraser Z41B06I49 1271 #baby @roof… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 9:12am — No Comments

U13K55V25 - [Cerys Kiely] - Rowland Heights, CA 52089

H56N00S07 3929 #television @dung S97F56U21 1587 #explosive @coffee V90O02Z65 7937 #coffee @comet… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 7:38am — No Comments

P43Q04Z66 - [Chuch Dahill] - Milwaukee, WI 66741

V30S23A34 7904 #milkshake @slave X34B29A34 3233 #egg @ice-cream U25R99C99 2813 #clock @crystal G81W38W20 1971 #magnet @rocket A04K28S56 1810 #map @family D71X92R88 5645 #car-race @barbecue… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 5:11am — No Comments

G77C95L27 - [Keary Akchurin] - Tie Plant, MS 59355

P79F40O64 6913 #alphabet @salt I79E38F15 1794 #explosive @square Y86X12Z40 8647 #circus… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 3:09am — No Comments

Y08V71B36 - [Sissie Schaff] - Bassett, VA 81281

I93O84I24 2005 #slave @stomach E64G81R47 7698 #bathtub @pepper O93B69H91 5756 #parachute @computer… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on March 31, 2019 at 2:42am — No Comments

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