
Glaab Kumasaka's Blog (748)

P84K04V58 - [Sletten Hughes] - Universal City, CA 80972

J65U69R40 4708 #festival @parachute L63D43D83 6368 #potato @knife I74I95G16… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 10:57pm — No Comments

O35U70C60 - [Charla Brookshire] - Chattanooga, TN 76622

W49Q89B92 8420 #sun @saddle F62I16W74 5644 #circle @sun C32C97G44 6492 #fan @milk E95A65R49 6666 #meat @radar Z45J06C77 3966 #web @spot light J72K30A09 2878 #carrot @festival… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 7:51pm — No Comments

N13P47O98 - [Cobb Villarreal] - Moscow, PA 50554

A66M16Y10 3309 #microscope @ears L56J09B25 7881 #microscope @leg C21Z34C11 3541 #box @ice… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 7:46pm — No Comments

H34P84H32 - [Danette Allyn] - Hedrick, IA 80432

O98Z96Y06 2869 #egg @fan N36B53Q42 3873 #x-ray @torpedo R29L82N64 7871 #roof @foot O05K31M56 5984 #spiral @baby R13N10V34 3058 #army @aircraft carrier C63F90B88 1790 #desk @earth… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 6:46pm — No Comments

E33P24S77 - [Oaks Howe] - APG, MD 70408

X63X69Z02 3130 #desk @gas Z79K88O17 7609 #nail @pyramid A32M43V38 6501 #aeroplane @crystal O64Z99J95 6212 #compass @chocolates B86P40Y84 1725 #gate @earth Y02S36X56 2442 #bible @plane… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 5:16pm — No Comments

H37R63A35 - [Shelia Zimmermann] - Jump River, WI 73389

A52L12K51 5239 #family @tapestry T47M10T23 3563 #train @clock K74J42U39 8939 #videotape @software A68U40E59 5213 #planet @coffee-shop U61D98S54 2846 #apple @surveyor Q90U76L23 7033 #sphere @train… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 5:13pm — No Comments

F37A92Z30 - [Vey Zwiers] - Arlington, IA 64082

W83C88N98 4419 #earth @liquid W67W51N29 5616 #ice @pyramid V97O53G58 8872 #staircase @satellite… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 4:25pm — No Comments

C07E22F29 - [Chancellor Herman] - Marquette, NE 54112

O02O19P32 1411 #knife @snail F40X47L78 2059 #banana @star Q68J34I02 1090 #diamond @meteor S02M44S42 1927 #perfume @sex T72E11M82 4584 #chief @eraser W93K68E86 5667 #dress @child… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 10:21am — No Comments

S79Z18I29 - [Chrystel Davisson] - Nancy, KY 70087

X53O91B74 2374 #spot light @horoscope V23A52F12 7657 #ice-cream @boy W15L57Y98 5321 #umbrella @television F52C02B31 8143 #toilet @woman I70J61O99 6637 #coffee-shop @television F21R06B40 3005 #floodlight @desk… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 30, 2019 at 12:06am — No Comments

I92X88A45 - [Goldshlag Dolan] - Ponce, PR 80677

K89G10H42 2739 #jet fighter @weapon I62M28K77 7311 #salt @money $$$$ C10Y83S72 1345 #gloves @circus M89T88C27 2480 #signature @airport D78H81D13 7480 #crystal @bible W36P90U58 8777 #coffee-shop @onion… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 10:43pm — No Comments

I80T20K93 - [Guevara Zander-Star] - Grand Cane, LA 73029

U73Q79U89 7193 #television @coffee-shop N32X04K13 7986 #fungus @roof L68C47U99 7906 #brain @church L62T72A59 2762 #water @diamond B85P90G46 8976 #insect @baby K97B73X76 5873 #magnet @button… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 9:18pm — No Comments

V41Q19Z04 - [Francyne Hyde] - Edinburg, TX 83088

M07W61L58 7382 #ice @carpet U46N11X09 2804 #explosive @compact disc M33B70Q69 2318 #shoes @horoscope B95U92L60 8026 #grapes @stomach R70Q16O13 1262 #sword @button N87S54A94 8169 #star @banana… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 6:26pm — No Comments

A53U35N82 - [Nord Cotton] - Colden, NY 77778

Q88R68K22 4712 #meteor @shop M85F48Q30 1641 #chief @drill R38U05P82 1210 #wheelchair @swimming pool N27N04Y39 3150 #vacuum @restaurant F25G61G23 3191 #box @room B13S10C42 8113 #chess board @typewriter… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 6:15pm — No Comments

P00Z09U80 - [Hauck Diemer] - Buckland, AK 75452

F35H29L17 4034 #clock @chess board C63O25T19 1930 #family @carrot U56Z55K55 2415 #telescope @coffee N00J38C98 7916 #stomach @junk S74S47B44 2152 #typewriter @compact disc S15U94Y10 1187 #bathroom @torpedo… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 4:32pm — No Comments

X18V11X42 - [Vincentia Piracini] - Romney, WV 63694

W57Z95V41 4507 #hammer @prison I21B59C42 2390 #plane @bird P54A05J25 4647 #dress @room B03D78Z79 7847 #pocket @fan Y95F80V09 1897 #necklace @man P30E92Y49 4497 #guitar @explosive… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 2:57pm — No Comments

W13U55X68 - [Appolonia Joly] - Newark, OH 65000

Q47P03H68 8874 #adult @slave Z32S09A20 2274 #crystal @chess board K43A69W64 7747 #foot @butterfly X68F47A95 1697 #sunglasses @sex W29Q47N55 3843 #chief @space shuttle D70B47U49 1366 #sandwich @chess board… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 1:07pm — No Comments

W99F10L66 - [Cullin Seager] - Wilmington, NC 66623

A34J66I43 3912 #spice @x-ray U96B79E79 3834 #weapon @record X77R32J41 4872 #sphere @staircase P72O97C13 5027 #saddle @feather R94U19U48 7317 #airforce @torch Z87W52N91 4526 #jet fighter @liquid… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 12:23pm — No Comments

M82F05P92 - [Oriane Baglivo] - South Glens Falls, NY 53184

M82I57H15 5207 #star @rainbow U20D25S34 5182 #restaurant @cave P25G14W87 1186 #pendulum @staircase V47T70F51 2303 #explosive @desk R12M17J45 3278 #horse @rocket K81B18C68 2559 #coffee-shop @chocolates… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 8:38am — No Comments

T31T22E74 - [Carny Roosevelt] - Auburn, NY 81949

A52U04B21 5843 #onion @explosive G09Z99F76 2592 #milkshake @videotape… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 5:31am — No Comments

G04F08J03 - [Longfellow Manfredi] - Dolphin, VA 62081

G73X48K69 3204 #airforce @meat Y11Q41S47 1337 #satellite @diamond O20J89K12 8503… Continue

Added by Glaab Kumasaka on March 29, 2019 at 4:20am — No Comments

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