Gottlieb Generazzo's Blog (793)

O34V64T93 - [Reneta Boles] - Pryor, OK 72982

O17Q75W68 5159 #child @ears D65F01V83 8945 #ice-cream @slave V66H46T68 4377 #insect @pillow A77O60P04 6247 #bowl @dung L90U55M03 2754 #airport @umbrella… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 9, 2019 at 1:35pm — No Comments

K40I34E85 - [Nasya Janes] - Houston, TX 75260

C68X65N51 3288 #freeway @snail G96K72G87 4589 #explosive @baby C84A95Q89 3611 #map @junk N30G16R80 7034 #cave @god Z72K79Y20 4106 #flower @planet… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 9, 2019 at 11:58am — No Comments

M79U35M71 - [Cacia Oka] - Saint Johnsville, NY 65526

K55P31L67 8394 #bible @snail L61R15B40 1046 #god @adult S30U28A12 4437 #navy @woman N71H20L48 6006 #car-race @junk… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 8, 2019 at 4:37pm — No Comments

Z99J00E42 - [Wardieu Villacorta] - Audubon, PA 64549

M43Y15L25 3735 #radar @guitar U84T28A14 5763 #air @monster E83T12C77 7855 #necklace @kaleidoscope N64N06Z22 7842 #teeth @needle W13A05B48… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 8, 2019 at 12:38pm — No Comments

B20V11R43 - [Quennie Dunne] - Beaver Meadows, PA 66548

I37M00C60 5104 #freeway @torch E46W92G62 7938 #videotape @sandwich X09R35U13 2944 #pepper @ring Z61W63C98 2737 #drink @maze I08V21K47 8152 #restaurant @chief… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 8, 2019 at 11:34am — No Comments

T90E53I07 - [Engelbert Testa] - Guayama, PR 76550

R01O47R23 3428 #videotape @solid S11K40L80 5941 #x-ray @kaleidoscope K23U11G39 4932 #sex @rope M52M67Y11 6979 #sandpaper @drill J21R35A51 8809 #coffee @egg… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 8, 2019 at 11:21am — No Comments

R97L06Y55 - [Chesney Rineer] - Tolna, ND 76294

K90P15G58 3819 #salt @family V73G39P96 8351 #bible @necklace B73Y70R50 1999 #solid @sunglasses Q09B92B22 1015 #map… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 8, 2019 at 6:22am — No Comments

P27J08V20 - [Steen Bretscher] - Houston, TX 74121

A89D65B17 1209 #mist @salt L44I12J69 1648 #triangle @teeth R95L40E14 6313 #kitchen @flower… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 7:58pm — No Comments

B69H23V28 - [Darwen Petruccelli] - Westfall, OR 88423

O87B45D94 1026 #sphere @shop H76W49K10 4215 #army @car-race Y19D74L69 6597 #electricity… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 3:03pm — No Comments

M91K61Z30 - [Laith Howell] - Coraopolis, PA 71411

N01M01S30 6923 #horse @shop K89L53K84 8413 #rainbow @square… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 11:40am — No Comments

S01D68W34 - [Larcher Maurois] - Mc Allister, MT 88009

C21Z24A58 1650 #library @explosive B47N27F03 4410 #wheelchair @compact disc W61D26W72 2377 #thermometer… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 11:39am — No Comments

C12W06A68 - [Chris Gagliardi] - Slanesville, WV 77368

S17Q59C44 6382 #film @web O14D29A06 1864 #tunnel @hose D92L22U57 7864 #bomb @chocolates… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 9:21am — No Comments

L16E55U60 - [Onder Nunes] - Deerfield Street, NJ 66942

Y26N75I46 1424 #spot light @feather O10G59F26 2498 #library @parachute Z87A99N84 5334 #compass @circus… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 6:41am — No Comments

K77G13L96 - [Michail Marlink] - Baker City, OR 54010

X59O85J87 7192 #earth @pepper O30W78O56 3802 #aeroplane @bee S51R78M00 8435 #skeleton @chair Q23A27X51 8041… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 7, 2019 at 5:15am — No Comments

Y21F21L13 - [Carry Zytowski] - Elizabeth, NJ 69227

A27K09B82 2512 #fungus @spot light I83F07Q45 2189 #x-ray @spiral J15J42F54 4884 #staircase @worm… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 5:45pm — No Comments

V21R88H04 - [Brott Mochizuki] - Indianapolis, IN 73428

H08L30X42 6651 #potato @chisel L63B87O54 2872 #microscope @tunnel E57L00V17 1031 #passport @aircraft carrier… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 5:01pm — No Comments

H65U30D52 - [Jollanta Struminsky] - Carson, ND 78315

S48H29Q95 3344 #family @cup T92F60P48 2972 #sandwich @army S92E36O91 8055 #pillow @horoscope S61C16F25 3228… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 3:18pm — No Comments

R71L44M68 - [McQuade Malosh] - Piedmont, AL 74553

N52S87F80 5759 #vacuum @alphabet G35O19T29 1495 #prison @restaurant… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 2:45pm — No Comments

N63B60Q69 - [Thaxter Fullerton] - Williamsport, PA 84973

U72H91Y38 5188 #worm @sunglasses Z47K10H42 5380 #car @backpack T50L91Y67 1725 #slave @drink I19K71Y55 1458… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 2:30pm — No Comments

T29E29Z10 - [Gasparo Monroe] - East Hampton, CT 85775

H37E48N45 4481 #gas @fungus U75F23R48 2781 #pyramid @sports-car U04Q78B17 3182 #cycle @onion B39K57D48… Continue

Added by Gottlieb Generazzo on April 6, 2019 at 10:21am — No Comments

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