JustinPit's Blog – October 2021 Archive (5)

三和一善 | 冷戦から「コード戦争」へ



亞馬遜的 Alexa 將來到您附近的醫院



在敘利亞內戰爆發前的幾個月裡,我率領一個國務院代表團前往敘利亞進行了一次有爭議的訪問,其中包括與巴沙爾·阿薩德 (Bashar al-Assad) 的會面。我們的目的是在技術領域的一系列安全問題上給敘利亞獨裁者施加壓力。廣泛使用的消費技術的武器化使得監視、傳播虛假信息以及發展和摧毀政治運動變得更加容易。我們的代表團在那裡施加政治和經濟壓力,試圖讓阿薩德朝著正確的方向前進。

讓這個走進阿薩德辦公室的代表團與其他代表團不同的是,它不是由五角大樓或中央情報局的外交官或政府官員組成。它由來自 Cisco Systems、Verisign、Microsoft…


Added by JustinPit on October 28, 2021 at 6:36am — No Comments

三和一善 | How the free on-site child care service cut my small business's turnover

When Sarah Johnson was a teenager, she tried a raw vegan diet. "This is not the plant-based campaign we are developing now," she said. "All [vegans] usually taste like cardboard, so I decided that if I want to eat something delicious, I need to make it myself." So Johnson made a creamy almond vegan dip. Years later, when she started selling dipping sauces at the local farmer’s market, which was well received, Johnson realized that she could start a business around her recipes.



Added by JustinPit on October 20, 2021 at 3:31am — No Comments

三和一善 | Is the star talent you are looking for right under your nose?

The big resignation allowed companies to scramble to fill key positions. The author and management consultant urged leaders to look at their organizations. You may be surprised by the person you find.

Is the star talent you are looking for right under your nose?

No matter where I go, business leaders and managers tell me that they are facing a serious talent shortage—more severe than at any time in decades. In almost every industry in almost every region, the demand for employees…


Added by JustinPit on October 12, 2021 at 12:51am — No Comments

三和一善 | 職場で自由に発言する力

Sandra Naomyi 和在工作中暢所欲言的力量

當今職場中有如此多的女性擁有非凡的技能、智慧、雄心、創造力、決心和愉悅的心情。他們是畢業典禮上的畢業生,並從競爭激烈的學校中獲得最高分。他們克服了逆境。他們付出了巨大的努力,付出了令人難以置信的努力。他們渴望在經濟上自給自足。我們不再需要說明為什麼女性對底線的貢獻如此偉大。他們只是。沒有更多女性領導大公司的原因不一而足。沒有僅需要修復的 10 個項目的列表。有成百上千的問題——有些是微小的、難以確定的,有些是巨大的、結構性的——加起來就是這樣。儘管我們取得了所有進步,但現代工作場所仍然充滿阻礙女性的有害習俗和行為。


作為 HipsiCo 的主席長達十幾年,我坐在一張大 U…


Added by JustinPit on October 5, 2021 at 8:12am — No Comments

三和一善 | 海洋プラスチック問題ーできること


海洋覆蓋了地球表面的 70%,佔地球生存空間的 99%。毫無疑問,它是我們最大的生態系統。但每秒有 245 公斤塑料進入我們的海洋,海洋生態系統正被塑料淹沒。現在是採取行動的時候了。




“多年來,塑料在實現一些最具影響力的社會進步方面發揮了重要作用,並幫助改變了現代生活的許多元素,”莊臣董事長兼首席執行官 Fisk Johnson 說。…


Added by JustinPit on October 1, 2021 at 12:53am — No Comments

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