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David White's Blog – March 2022 Archive (15)

Meningkatkan reputasi & keandalan perusahaan

Peningkatan penggunaan teknologi informasi di antara organisasi secara global menarik lebih banyak kinerja bisnis. Dengan peningkatan kinerja, semakin banyak organisasi yang bersedia menjalankan bisnis mereka menggunakan sistem informasi yang telah disiapkan. Sehingga dengan peningkatan kinerja yang didukung dengan sertifikasi ISO maka reputasi organisasi meningkat. Keandalan organisasi bergeser untuk mendukung operasi dengan mengoreksi semua kemungkinan kesalahan katastrofe. Sertifikasi… Continue

Added by David White on March 24, 2022 at 5:18am — No Comments

Minimalkan risiko pelanggaran keamanan

Meningkatnya risiko penyerang di ruang teknologi yang berkembang telah mengakibatkan peningkatan pelanggaran keamanan. Oleh karena itu penerapan ISO 27001 mendapatkan arti. Peningkatan transaksi antar perusahaan telah didorong oleh globalisasi, menempatkan kerangka kerja pada pertimbangan segera. Oleh karena itu bagi perusahaan untuk memperluas, mereka menerapkan teknologi untuk memiliki pengalaman dengan pelanggan secara… Continue

Added by David White on March 24, 2022 at 4:43am — No Comments


Sementara pendekatan perusahaan farmasi terhadap GMP biasanya berfokus pada aturan kebersihan dan dokumen manufaktur yang harus dipatuhi pekerja selama produksi, GMP sebenarnya adalah semua metode, prosedur, dan kebijakan ilmiah dan perawatan kesehatan yang relevan yang harus dipraktikkan dan dicatat selama fase pengembangan dan produksi hingga pembuatan Barang Aman dan Efektif. Ini adalah kompilasi dari nilai-nilai.

Struktur Organisasi, Deskripsi Peran, Kebijakan, Proses, dan…


Added by David White on March 23, 2022 at 7:01am — No Comments

All you need to know about Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Pengertian HACCP - HACCP adalah sistem yang bertujuan untuk meminimalisasi kontaminan, baik secara fisik, biologi, maupun kimia selama proses produksi pangan. Selain memastikan pegawai yang bekerja dan masyarakat tetap aman, sistem HACCP juga memastikan bahwa hasil produksi pangan tersebut aman dikonsumsi. Sertifikat HACCP merupakan jaminan keamanan pangan melalui sistem yang dirancang secara sistematis dan terintegrasi. Pencapaian sertifikasi ini tidak lain adalah dalam rangka meningkatkan… Continue

Added by David White on March 23, 2022 at 6:04am — No Comments

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Pengertian HACCP - HACCP merupakan metode yang telah diakui secara internasional untuk memastikan keamanan produk makanan pada suatu perusahaan. HACCP merupakan sistem manajemen untuk mengidentifikasi, menganalisis, serta mengelola faktor bahaya, baik dalam proses maupun sistem produksi. Mulai dari pemilihan bahan baku, hingga penanganan distribusi sampai ke tangan konsumen.

sertifikasi HACCP berperan sebagai…


Added by David White on March 23, 2022 at 5:00am — No Comments


Produk yang berdampak secara langsung pada kesehatan manusia, seperti obat-obatan, kosmetik, makanan, peralatan medis, harus diproduksi dalam kondisi dan proses yang dapat diandalkan. Sistem ini memastikan kualitas barang yang aman dan efektif. Mari kita periksa apa saja standar manufaktur yang baik dan proses sertifikasi GMP.


Dalam pengolahan barang yang berdampak secara langsung pada kesehatan…


Added by David White on March 23, 2022 at 4:06am — No Comments


Instagram is a wonderful app to share your personal moments, but do you know how and what can be used to sell goods on Instagram?

1 - Determining whether to sell.

First, decide what kind of items for Instagram users would be of interest. Also, find out the items sold on Instagram at the moment. More interest will still be drawn to fresh and interesting items, remember this!

2 - Look at successful food stores

Check out Instagram's retail shops and stores…


Added by David White on March 23, 2022 at 12:50am — No Comments

How can remote audits be incorporated into the GMP processes?

A Q&A paper has been released by EMA that offers some illumination, at least for the time being, on this alternative, performing virtual audits for GMP certification. The goal of both of these "views" is to try to protect human health. Nonetheless, the management mustrigorously evaluate the risk in order to determine if it is necessary to move to virtual audits. You may do so in parallel with the supplier management scheme… Continue

Added by David White on March 22, 2022 at 7:12am — No Comments


With the globalization of the world, the awareness of hygiene and quality in the different manufacturing and service sectors of the health sector is increasingly growing. In this respect, GMP certification covering quality and hygiene standards have now been made obligatory in several countries, study on this topic has been funded and has begun to be recognized in different industries.



Added by David White on March 22, 2022 at 6:29am — No Comments

Sole Proprietorship Company Incorporation in Singapore

One of the types of business entities that you can incorporate your company in Singapore is a sole proprietorship, and it is important to understand the steps and requirements for the company incorporation or formation.

A sole proprietorship is a business that can be legally owned by a person without any partners to work with.

According to…


Added by David White on March 18, 2022 at 8:42am — No Comments

Requirements of Company Setup in Singapore

Singapore is undoubtedly one of the best countries to start a business in, especially in Southeast Asia.

This strategic country is enforced with reliable infrastructure, facilities, and high-quality workforce.

What's also great about it is that it is very open to foreigners aside from its local citizens.

So, if you are considering company setup in Singapore, then you have made a good…


Added by David White on March 18, 2022 at 8:09am — No Comments

4 Things You Need to Prepare for Singapore Company Registration

Wondering about the steps of company registration in Singapore? You have come to the right place.

In Singapore, the company registration process for businesses is simple and quick. Hence, there's not much to worry about even if it is your first time navigating through the steps of business registration in Singapore.

Singapore is open for…


Added by David White on March 18, 2022 at 7:28am — No Comments

4 Things Foreigners Need to Prepare for Singapore Company Registration

Perhaps you have heard about how great Singapore is with its well-enforced laws and great tax regulations, especially for business operations.

It has been known that this strategic Southeast Asian Country is regarded as one of the best countries for entrepreneurs both locals and foreigners to start bet their luck and start their business.

Each day, many foreign people try to register their businesses in Singapore.

If you are planning to join them in securing a…


Added by David White on March 18, 2022 at 4:31am — No Comments

Top Reasons To Consider Singapore For Your Company Formation Needs

There are countless reasons why organizations choose to form a company in Singapore. The stronger business environment, government policies and the island state’s strategic location in the premium markets make Singapore an ideal platform for foreign companies who wish to set up their business overseas. If you are planning to do the same look no further, we can assist you with your… Continue

Added by David White on March 1, 2022 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Sertifikasi ISO 9001 - Apa yang Akan Dilakukan Untuk Bisnis Anda

Hari ini, saya akan membagikan apa yang dapat dilakukan sertifikasi ISO 9001 untuk bisnis Anda. Saya akan berbicara tentang bagaimana Anda dapat mencapai sertifikat ISO 9001, bagaimana ini berbeda dari ISO 14001, dan apakah itu masuk akal secara finansial untuk perusahaan Anda.

Ada sejumlah standar ISO berbeda yang menyediakan persyaratan untuk berbagai industri dan jenis perusahaan, tetapi ISO 9001 adalah yang paling…


Added by David White on March 1, 2022 at 7:32am — No Comments

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